New PDF release: Mummy where are you?

By Jeanne D'Olivier

ISBN-10: 1502355280

ISBN-13: 9781502355287

Mummy the place are you is the frightening story of 1 woman's try to guard her baby from baby abuse and the extreme lengths she is going to maintain her baby safe.

When Charlotte's son tells her what Daddy is doing, a Kafkaesque nightmare starts because the leaves all she understands and loves instantly, clutching her kid's hand and crossing oceans.

Have you ever wanted you may return and freeze time?

Mummy the place are you is a compelling story that increases poignant and anxious matters and can't fail to talk to moms in all places. whilst Charlotte's son is disbelieved via those who find themselves intended to guard him, she is confronted with a Sophie's selection of even if to stick and struggle opposed to the percentages or embark on a terrifying trip. it is going to go away moms looking for the reply and asking themselves - what could I do?

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New PDF release: A Secret Kept in Hawaii (Hawai'i - Princess Ruth: Love and

By Jo Ann Lordahl

ISBN-10: 1494831104

ISBN-13: 9781494831103

A sequel to Princess Ruth, A mystery saved in Hawaii keeps Samantha’s tale. Set amidst the wonderful thing about her backyard Island domestic of Kauai, Samantha embarks on a non secular quest to stand her own struggles with constancy, militarism, and care of the ‘aina (land), whereas additionally staying in contact via letters to her warrior husband, Kaimana, now on responsibility abroad.
While on her quest, Samantha purposefully, and occasionally really by chance, evolves right into a lady we will recognize and, via her trip, she splendidly illuminates our own.

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New PDF release: Die Hälfte des Himmels ist weiblich: Sieben Geschichten von

By Martina Violetta Jung

ISBN-10: 1545341168

ISBN-13: 9781545341162

Die Hälfte des Himmels, sagt ein chinesisches Sprichwort, tragen die Frauen. Dem ist heute nicht so! Bisher verantworten Frauen in unseren Unternehmen nur den Teil des Himmels, der ihnen von den Männern zugewiesen oder mehr oder weniger großzügig überlassen wird. In sieben Geschichten zeigt Martina Violetta Jung auf humorvolle Weise, was once Frauen für sich und Unternehmen bewegen können, wenn sie selbst mutig aus ihren angestammten Rollen fallen.

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Acacia by Tendai Machingaidze PDF

By Tendai Machingaidze

ISBN-10: 0992228522

ISBN-13: 9780992228521

Acacia is a robust and self reliant lady whose middle and background lie rooted in Africa, whereas her truth in modern the US unearths itself in a really diversified time and position. In residing her lifestyles, she needs to breach the gap among her present house and the binds that bind her. Straddling occasionally opposing worlds of medication and dance, Dr Acacia Graeme needs to locate the stability among feeding her brain via paintings and learn, and nourishing her soul and spirit via dance. And what occurred whilst the song stops? since it does, frequently. How will she get throughout the silence of her each day? this can be the tale of a mistaken heroine whose intentions are natural, her fact might be much less so. Torn among the iconic innocence of her old flame and the life-long seek that's her eager for one real love, she is forced to come back to phrases together with her personal unfastened nature and self sustaining spirit and, in so doing, flip tragedy to triumph.

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Carson Gable's If Not Today, Maybe Tomorrow PDF

By Carson Gable

ISBN-10: 1544872534

ISBN-13: 9781544872537

Dale Noble was once born within the overdue Nineteen Fifties right into a male orientated, rural group the place she struggles to appreciate why the expectancies for boys are diversified from these for ladies. due to a number of lifestyles reviews together with damage and loss, she eventually follows her specified expertise and turns into a certified gambler. In her later years, in the course of a pass kingdom journey domestic for a relatives reunion, she is all in favour of an twist of fate. This work's experimental structure unfolds in a series of segmented occasions as her existence starts off to flash sooner than her eyes in the course of the ensuing close to demise adventure, on the finish of which she is requested to choose from lifestyles and death.

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Download e-book for iPad: God in the Image of Woman by D.V. Bernard

By D.V. Bernard

ISBN-10: 1593090196

ISBN-13: 9781593090197

sooner or later, humans lose the power to have daughters; and as ladies start to disappear from an international already gripped by way of chaos, a few humans start to imagine 10-year-old black lady often is the subsequent Messiah. Seven years after the onset of this genetic apocalypse, all ladies have disappeared from towns like big apple. Civilization, itself, turns out to have flooring to a halt as males, numbed by means of the holographic pleasures in their technological age, watch for the inevitable demise in their species. it really is then strong army strength, recognized easily because the Horde, starts off a scientific offensive opposed to the world's nice towns. As this ultimate conflict unfolds, the woman presumed to be God escapes from the citadel the place The Horde have been holding her (and millions of alternative women). as soon as unfastened, she kinds a chain of alliances-first with a cult confident of her divinity; then with Mansmann, the scientist initially answerable for the genetic apocalypse; and at last, with a guy and not using a earlier, known as Wang, whose evolving conceptualization of truth appears to be like the major to saving the human race.

Interwoven with a wealthy mosaic of characters-like the likely supernatural Quibb; the commercial tycoon, Shaka; the gender-defying cyber witch, Circe; and the innovative firebrand, Tio Mendez -- God within the photograph of Woman tells the epic tale of individuals looking for their humanity in an age the place the top of the human race turns out terrifyingly shut at hand.

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My One-Night Stand With God's Assassin by Jocelyn Otis-Coleman PDF

By Jocelyn Otis-Coleman

ISBN-10: 1515283682

ISBN-13: 9781515283683

My One-Night Stand with God’s murderer
Pamela Jacobs’ ex-Duke roommate, Sarah Brody a brand new York assistant editor, calls, “Jump at the subsequent aircraft to Boston! I’ve simply learn a manuscript destined to make your Bible learn like Huckleberry Finn and my Torah appear like a lady Scout handbook.”
Pam attempts to inform Sarah that she’s already maxed out all her charge cards, yet hears just a click.
What must have been a 60-minute force from Logan Airport turns into 4 hours by the point she pulls her condo automobile into Dr. Carneades’ force approach in Newtowne, New Hampshire. ‘There’s nonetheless snow at the floor! Azaleas and dogwood are out in Durham!’
In the resultant conflict – Eve opposed to Adam, woman opposed to male, younger opposed to previous, South as opposed to North, Scarlett O’Hara opposed to normal Sherman, Southern Baptist fighting a non-theist, Asheville, North Carolina as opposed to Boston, Massachusetts, Dixie Conservative combating Yankee Liberal, the interviewer turns into the interviewee.
After 9 hours of this warfare of 2 worlds, her publication assessment unprintable in any newspaper or journal she will contemplate -- her VISA maxed out, her waitress task misplaced, and her airplane neglected, she lies shivering and bare in his visitor bed room having anticipated to be again in her personal mattress that evening, she plots… ‘Maybe this journey hasn’t been a complete catastrophe … a sensible man’s child – finally a grandbaby for G-Mom...

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I'mperfect Girl - download pdf or read online

By Elena Emma

ISBN-10: 151966530X

ISBN-13: 9781519665300

I’MPERFECT woman is the tale of Haven’s hedonistic, emotional, and religious trip of self-discovery in the course of the thorny mazes of the modern courting scene looking for her final soul mate. it's the story of 50 colors of grey within the lifetime of a true girl with young children, mom and dad, social obligations, wishes, and desires. it's also a artful depiction of what the area round a lady might appear like whilst she embraces her imperfections in entirety, which retains the reader aroused, sentimental, questioned, and yearning either sexual liberate and prayer.
Cover picture: Jairo Alzate through Unsplash

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New PDF release: Hana la yazida. L’inferno è sulla Terra (Italian Edition)

By Ryan Claudia

ISBN-10: 8821598144

ISBN-13: 9788821598142

three agosto 2014: i guerriglieri dell’ISIS attaccano e conquistano Sinjar. Quel giorno Hana, giovane infermiera di religione yazida, si trova in città in keeping with a long way visita alla sua famiglia. consistent with lei, come in keeping with tutti gli appartenenti alla minoranza yazida, è l’inizio di un incubo: il fratello e l. a. madre di Hana vengono uccisi, lei e Wafa, sua sorella, sono vendute come schiave. Dopo aver subito innumerevoli abusi e sevizie, Hana riesce a sfuggire al suo aguzzino e a rifugiarsi a Duhok dove riprende il suo lavoro di infermiera nel campo profughi di Khanke e cerca faticosamente di ritrovare uno spiraglio di normalità. Il romanzo di Claudia Ryan nasce dal suo soggiorno in Kurdistan e dall’ascolto di tante donne che sono passate attraverso orrori indicibili. los angeles voce di Hana è los angeles loro voce, los angeles sua storia vuol raccontare le loro storie.

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Tiempos de Miakoda Vol. I: Coyotes Negros (Spanish Edition) by Shodai Sennin Overton-Guerra,Gonzalo "Gony" PDF

By Shodai Sennin Overton-Guerra,Gonzalo "Gony"

ISBN-10: 149038068X

ISBN-13: 9781490380681

“¿Pero el cortejo es algo lindo, no?”
“Si estuviéramos hablando de animales en época de celo pues sí, sería cierto. Y ese es el problema. Durante el ‘cortejo’, como lo llamas, los hombres procuran dar muestras de ser todo lo que no son, sino solamente lo que imaginan que las mujeres quieren que sean para conseguir satisfacer impulsos primarios que ellos mismos no acaban de entender, y cuando toda l. a. farsa se ha consumado y el hombre ha saciado ese apetito que tan fácilmente confunde por amor, y los angeles mujer se ha despertado de los angeles fantasía que estableció en su cabeza, en su imaginación, de pronto entra los angeles realidad para los dos. El hombre, saciados sus instintos de depredador – porque el cortejo es ante todo una caza – y su impulso sexual, busca nueva presa; y l. a. mujer, desilusionada, se entrega a las canciones de abandono amoroso y al tiempo vuelve a ponerse su pintura y armamento de guerra – maquillaje, uñas artificiales, sostenes especiales que levanten y separen, fajas que contornen y moldeen, tacones para resaltar las pantorrillas, adornos para captar los angeles atención visible a lugares anatómicos selectos – a young su quiosco, y a untarse de sus mejunjes odoríferas de flores exóticas y caras, para tentar nuevas abejas. Y el proceso se repite. Me refiero a l. a. ilusión que desilusiona. Yo no me presto a eso. Una mujer madura debería saber lo que quiere en un hombre, y el hombre que lo es, lo es siempre y en todo lo que hace, no porque compre sweets o flores o abra puertas. Yo no ‘pretendo’, hago; no cortejo, conquisto lo que es mío. O los angeles mujer me reconoce como el hombre al que se quiera entregar, y no me refiero a sexualmente, o al menos no solamente sexualmente sino que en esencia, o no lo hace. No estoy tan desesperado.”
“¿Y l. a. competencia?”
“No tengo competencia. Soy una edición exclusiva, clásica. O te gusta, o no”, dijo con los angeles cara seria pero sus ojos mostraban una sonrisa burlona, pícara.

Me faltaba el aliento. period el hombre más imperioso, más altivo, más confiado que había conocido, y eso me cautivaba, me embelesaba, me seducía; ni siquiera vi el precipicio:
“¿Cuándo se dejaron de hacer hombres como Usted?”, pregunté atontada, el sonido de mis palabras me llegaban de segundas a los oídos después de haber sido dichas.
“Pues quizás cuando se dejaron de hacer hombres, punto”, dijo con una naturalidad como el que habla del tiempo aburrido del mismo.

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