Read e-book online CSR und Kommunikation: Unternehmerische Verantwortung PDF

By Peter Heinrich

ISBN-10: 3642401090

ISBN-13: 9783642401091

company Social Responsiblity gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Viele Unternehmen engagieren sich heute gesellschaftlich und übernehmen Verantwortung. Ein sinnvoller Schritt, denn so leisten sie einen Beitrag zur gesamtwirtschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeit, prägen ihr picture und generieren dabei gezielt Wettbewerbsvorteile. Ein wichtiger Schlüssel zum Erfolg liegt dabei in der Kommunikation. Sie muss fundiert, professionell gesteuert und langfristig angelegt sein, um die Engagements intern zu kommunizieren und auch das öffentliche Bewusstsein für dieses Thema zu schärfen. „Tue Gutes und sprich darüber“ – es geht um einen conversation mit allen relevanten Stakeholdern. Dieses Buch liefert einen fundierten, praxisbezogenen Überblick über die Kommunikationsinstrumente und –möglichkeiten sowie den Planungsprozess. Es ist ein Ideenkatalog und vermittelt zugleich auch das wissenschaftliche Hintergrundwissen. Experten aus verschiedenen Branchen zeigen, wie die CSR-Kommunikation wirksam angewendet wird. Letztendlich soll es den Menschen, die sich mit CSR beschäftigen – ob auf Unternehmens- oder Beraterseite, ob als Newcomer oder Experte – Orientierung, Impulse und Handlungsempfehlungen für die tägliche Praxis geben.

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Download PDF by Steve Rothschild,Bill George: The Non Nonprofit: For-Profit Thinking for Nonprofit Success

By Steve Rothschild,Bill George

ISBN-10: 1118021819

ISBN-13: 9781118021811

ISBN-10: 1531815065

ISBN-13: 9781531815066

A best company chief stocks the enterprise rules he used to release either a most sensible corporation and a thriving nonprofit

Nonprofit leaders comprehend that fixing pervasive social difficulties calls for ardour and creativity in addition to tangible effects. The Non Nonprofit stocks an identical enterprise rules that force the world's top businesses, displaying how they could (and should still) be utilized to the world of nonprofits. Steve Rothschild individually crossed sectors while he left company the US to came across dual towns RISE!, a hugely winning poverty relief application. His sincere tale, and good fortune and missteps, create a necessary roadmap for any social enterprise trying to turn out and improve its impact.

  • Distills crucial nonprofit rules akin to having a transparent and acceptable objective, developing financial price from social profit, and constructing mutual accountability
  • Shares winning methods from cutting edge agencies comparable to Grameen financial institution, Playworks, universal flooring, Habitat for Humanity, Lumni, worrying Bridge, university Summit and RISE!
  • Draws from the author's luck in founding and construction dual towns RISE!, which trains unemployed Minnesotans for residing salary jobs. upward thrust! serves 1,500 individuals every one year

As insightful because it is inspiring, The Non Nonprofit can assist maximize the confident effect of any nonprofit.

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Download e-book for iPad: Prozessmanagement individuell umgesetzt: Erfolgsbeispiele by Eva-Maria Kern

By Eva-Maria Kern

ISBN-10: 3642297803

ISBN-13: 9783642297809

Beim Prozessmanagement besteht für Unternehmen wie öffentliche Institutionen die Herausforderung darin, die Theorie in die Praxis zu übertragen und dafür maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu entwickeln. In dem Band werden Fallstudien aus unterschiedlichen Branchen und Organisationen vorgestellt, die zeigen, wie vielfältig die Lösungsansätze sein können. Kommentare zu den Fallstudien ordnen die verschiedenen Strategien in einen theoretischen Bezugsrahmen ein, Bausteine, Methoden und Instrumente für deren praktische Ausgestaltung werden erläutert.

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New PDF release: Systems Thinking For Social Change: A Practical Guide to

By David Peter Stroh

ISBN-10: 160358580X

ISBN-13: 9781603585804

Donors, leaders of nonprofits, and public coverage makers often have the simplest of intentions to serve society and increase social stipulations. yet usually their strategies fall some distance in need of what they need to complete and what's actually wanted. furthermore, the solutions they suggest and fund usually produce the other of what they need through the years. We prove with transitority shelters that elevate homelessness, drug busts that elevate drug-related crime, or nutrition relief that raises starvation.

How do those unintentional effects occur and the way will we steer clear of them? through using traditional considering to advanced social difficulties, we regularly perpetuate the very difficulties we attempt so tough to resolve, however it is feasible to imagine otherwise, and get diverse results.

Systems considering for Social Change permits readers to give a contribution extra successfully to society via supporting them comprehend what platforms considering is and why it's so vital of their paintings. It additionally supplies concrete advice on tips to comprise platforms considering in challenge fixing, determination making, and strategic making plans with out changing into a technical expert.

structures considering chief David Stroh walks readers via recommendations he has used to aid humans increase their efforts to finish homelessness, increase public health and wellbeing, improve schooling, layout a method for early youth improvement, safeguard baby welfare, improve rural economies, facilitate the reentry of previously incarcerated humans into society, unravel identity-based conflicts, and more. 

the result's a hugely readable, powerful consultant to realizing platforms and utilizing that wisdom to get the consequences you want.

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Kirsten Baus's Die Familienstrategie: Wie Familien ihr Unternehmen über PDF

By Kirsten Baus

ISBN-10: 3658028238

ISBN-13: 9783658028237

Immer wieder scheitern wirtschaftlich gesunde Familienunternehmen an sich selbst. Warum führt Streit in der Familie oft zum Aus traditionsreicher Unternehmen? Die Ursache liegt in einem Regelungsdefizit, das oft übersehen wird. Der Gesellschaftsvertrag kann vieles, aber er kann nicht alles. Kirsten Baus, Spezialistin für kinfolk Governance und Nachfolgeplanung, bietet die Familienstrategie als Lösung. Die Familienstrategie schafft Strukturen, wo bisher keine waren; sie stabilisiert, verbessert die Handlungsfähigkeit und erleichtert das Miteinander. Sie ist für Familienunternehmen unverzichtbar, um die Herausforderungen der Zukunft zu meistern.


Neu in der four. Auflage:

Der textual content wurde überarbeitet, auf den neusten Stand gebracht und um eine Passage im Abschnitt über die Familiencharta ergänzt, in der die Businessfassung der Charta sowie Leitlinien und Leitbild thematisiert werden.

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Download e-book for iPad: CSR und Strategisches Management: Wie man mit Nachhaltigkeit by Thomas Wunder

By Thomas Wunder

ISBN-10: 3662494566

ISBN-13: 9783662494561

Dieses Buch zeigt, wie Nachhaltigkeit in Geschäftsstrategien übertragen und erfolgreich umgesetzt werden kann. Es macht deutlich, welche Relevanz gesellschaftliche Anforderungen für die Wettbewerbsvorteile von morgen haben. Nachhaltiges strategisches administration strebt eine Symbiose von wirtschaftlicher, ökologischer und sozialer Wertschöpfung an. Hierbei geht es weniger um moralisch-ethische Aspekte, sondern um das Identifizieren und Ergreifen von unternehmerischen Chancen. Ob Shared price, Social Innovation oder Sustainable company versions – im Kern haben alle diese neueren betriebswirtschaftlichen Konzepte eine Schlüsselbotschaft: Ein Unternehmen kann seine Wettbewerbsfähigkeit verbessern und langfristig wirtschaftlich erfolgreich sein, indem es mit seinem Kerngeschäft systematisch Gutes für die Gesellschaft tut. Das Buch liefert hierzu Anknüpfungspunkte für Strategieinhalte und Strategieprozesse, zeigt aber auch Fallstricke und Paradoxien auf. Es regt die wissenschaftliche Diskussion an und gibt Unternehmen vielseitige, praxisrelevante und zukunftsorientierte Impulse für ihre Strategiearbeit.

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Download e-book for iPad: Nonprofit Fundraising Strategy: A Guide to Ethical Decision by Janice Gow Pettey

By Janice Gow Pettey

ISBN-10: 1118487575

ISBN-13: 9781118487570

Practical instruments and strategies to include moral criteria and practices in nonprofit fundraising

Nonprofit Fundraising Strategy is a beneficial and encouraging source for nonprofits huge and small, younger and mature, neighborhood and overseas. The insightful suggestions and case reports discovered inside those pages may also help you know how to deal with particular moral matters inside your nonprofit and depart lots of foodstuff for concept and discussion.

  • Adds new fabrics on new company perform codes, the Ethics review stock, assurance of recent ethics standards
  • Now comprises an ethics evaluate device at the moral Fundraising, moment version better half website
  • Considers crucial themes together with: visual appeal of impropriety, rights of donors, tainted cash, utilizing donations as meant, picking out a management function, moral decision-making, restoring public self belief within the nonprofit area, and the ethics of provide making and provide seeking
  • Written by way of luminaries within the box of ethics in fundraising
  • Explores a subject that every one expert fundraisers needs to have interaction with so as to construct the belief and self belief of the giving public
  • Offers a useful selection of essays in line with the wealthy adventure of philanthropic leaders
  • Presents clever reflections at the primary position of ethics in fundraising

Featuring contributions from a number of famous and revered senior-level fundraising pros, numerous of whom are participants of the AFP Ethics Committee, Nonprofit Fundraising Strategy contains a wealth of functional instruments to aid fundraising practitioners, board individuals, and governing forums enforce those crucial innovations into their very own organizations.

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It Ain't What You Give, It's The Way That You Give It by Caroline Fiennes PDF

By Caroline Fiennes

ISBN-10: 0957163304

ISBN-13: 9780957163300

A advisor to creating charitable donations which get effects.

Some charities in achieving even more than others, and a few donors are extra important than others - a few ‘help’ truly hinders charities. Wouldn’t you relatively that your donations accomplished much instead of a bit? This e-book exhibits the best way to do this, explaining what you must recognize and what you must do.

Packed with info, insights and examples – plus eclectic stories from Oprah Winfrey, Albert Einstein, inner most Eye and Harvard enterprise overview – it’s necessary no matter if you’re giving cash, time or the rest, and even if you’re a school-child, an organization or a billionaire.

‘Great suggestion: inspiring, pleasing and much-needed’ - James Caan, Dragons' Den panellist

‘The Freakonomics of the charity global – yet with higher cartoons’ – Martin Houghton-Brown, leader govt, lacking People

‘The booklet which charities wish donors to learn’ – BBC youngsters in Need

‘A specific and extremely transparent consultant with perception for any donor’ – The physique store

‘Caroline Fiennes explains the way to stability center and brain when you are fascinated by philanthropy. She emphasises with readability the significance of proof and economics.’ – Simon Singh, technological know-how writer

‘Caroline Fiennes is a brilliant resource of recommendation approximately charitable giving. She’s helped Eurostar develop into potent very speedily’ - Eurostar CEO Richard Brown

‘Increasingly humans see parallels among charity and company, so it is fresh and worthy that Caroline brings views from somewhere else, together with medication, the army, politics, physics, background, genetics and psychology. Any donor may still learn it and heed it.’ – Isabel Kelly, foreign Director

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New Frontiers of Philanthropy: A Guide to the New Tools and by Lester M. Salamon PDF

By Lester M. Salamon

ISBN-10: 0199357544

ISBN-13: 9780199357543

The assets of either governments and conventional philanthropy are both slightly turning out to be or in decline, but the issues of poverty, ill-health, and environmental degradation balloon day-by-day. it truly is for this reason more and more transparent that we urgently desire new versions for financing and selling social and environmental goals. thankfully, an important revolution seems to be underway at the frontiers of philanthropy and social making an investment, tapping not just philanthropy, but additionally inner most funding capital, and delivering a minimum of a partial reaction to this drawback. This e-book examines the recent actors and new instruments that shape the guts of this revolution, and exhibits how they're reshaping the best way we pass approximately aiding strategies to social and environmental difficulties during the world.

With contributions from prime specialists within the box, New Frontiers of Philanthropy presents a accomplished research of the numerous new associations that experience surfaced in this new frontier of philanthropy and social funding; the hot instruments and tools those associations are bringing to endure; the demanding situations that those actors and instruments nonetheless come across; and the stairs which are had to maximize their effect. the result's a robust and obtainable advisor to advancements which are already bringing major new assets into efforts to resolve the world's difficulties of poverty, ill-health, and environmental degradation; unleashing new energies and new resources of ingenuity for social and environmental problem-solving; and producing new wish in an differently dismal situation of lagging assets and get to the bottom of. traders, philanthropists, social marketers, nonprofit leaders, enterprise executives, govt officers, and scholars internationally will locate a lot to construct on in those pages.

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