Get State of the Art Applications of Social Network Analysis PDF

By Fazli Can,Tansel Özyer,Faruk Polat

ISBN-10: 3319059114

ISBN-13: 9783319059112

ISBN-10: 3319356496

ISBN-13: 9783319356495

Social community research more and more bridges the invention of styles in different components of analysis as extra info turns into on hand and complicated. but the development of massive networks from huge facts frequently calls for totally assorted techniques for research together with; graph conception, records, computing device studying and information mining. This paintings covers frontier reviews on social community research and mining from diverse views corresponding to social community websites, monetary info, e-mails, boards, educational examine cash, XML expertise, weblog content material, group detection and clique discovering, prediction of user’s- habit, privateness in social community research, mobility from spatio-temporal standpoint, agent expertise and political events in parliament. those subject matters may be of curiosity to researchers and practitioners from various disciplines together with, yet now not constrained to, social sciences and engineering.

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Read e-book online Control of Complex Systems: Structural Constraints and PDF

By Aleksandar Zecevic,Dragoslav D. Siljak

ISBN-10: 1441912150

ISBN-13: 9781441912152

ISBN-10: 1461425557

ISBN-13: 9781461425557

"Control of advanced platforms: Structural Constraints and Uncertainty" makes a speciality of keep an eye on layout less than info constitution constraints, with a specific emphasis on large-scale structures. The complexity of such structures poses critical computational demanding situations and seriously restricts the categories of suggestions legislation that may be utilized in perform. This booklet systematically addresses the most concerns, and gives a few functions that illustrate power layout equipment, so much which use Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs), that have turn into a well-liked layout software over the last 20 years. Authors Aleksandar I. Zecevic and Dragoslav D. Siljak use their years of expertise within the keep watch over box to additionally:

  • Address the problems of large-scale structures as they relate to strong keep watch over and linear matrix inequalities
  • Discuss a brand new method of making use of common LMI concepts to large-scale structures, combining graphic-theoretic decomposition innovations with acceptable low-rank numerical approximations and dramatically decreasing the computational effort
  • Providing quite a few examples and a large choice of purposes, starting from electrical strength structures and nonlinear circuits to mechanical difficulties and dynamic Boolean networks

"Control of complicated structures: Structural Constraints and Uncertainty" will attract working towards engineers, researchers and scholars operating up to the mark layout and different comparable parts.



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Download PDF by Deborah R. Geis,Deborah Geis: Beat Drama: Playwrights and Performances of the 'Howl’

By Deborah R. Geis,Deborah Geis

ISBN-10: 1472567870

ISBN-13: 9781472567871

ISBN-10: 1472567889

ISBN-13: 9781472567888

Readers and acolytes of the very important early 1950s-mid Sixties writers often called the Beat iteration are usually accustomed to the prose and poetry through the seminal authors of this era: Jack Kerouac, Gregory Corso, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Diane Di Prima, and so forth. but all of those authors, in addition to different much less famous Beat figures, additionally wrote plays-and those, including their countercultural methods to what might or may still occur within the theatre-shaped the dramatic experiments of the playwrights who got here after them, from Sam Shepard to Maria Irene Fornes, to the various leading edge functionality artists of the seventies.

This quantity, the 1st of its sort, gathers essays in regards to the interesting paintings in drama and function via and concerning the Beat new release, starting from the well known Beat figures equivalent to Kerouac, Ginsberg and Burroughs, to the "Afro-Beats” - LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka), Bob Kaufman, and others. It deals unique reports of the ladies Beats - Di Prima, Bunny Lang - in addition to teams just like the residing Theater who during this period first challenged the literal and actual barriers of the functionality house itself.

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Download PDF by Robert A. McArthur,Franco Borsini: Animal and Translational Models for CNS Drug Discovery:

By Robert A. McArthur,Franco Borsini

ISBN-10: 0123738563

ISBN-13: 9780123738561

Psychiatric Disorders is written for researchers in either academia and the pharmaceutical who use animal types in examine and improvement of substances for psychiatric issues comparable to anxiousness, obsessive-compulsive affliction, melancholy, schizophrenia, bipolar sickness, ADHD, and autistic spectrum illness. Psychiatric issues has introductory chapters expressing the view of the position and relevance of animal types for drug discovery and improvement for the remedy of psychiatric problems from the point of view of (a) educational easy neuroscientific study, (b) utilized pharmaceutical drug discovery and improvement, and (c) problems with scientific trial layout and regulatory corporations obstacles. each one quantity examines the reason, use, robustness and boundaries of animal types in each one healing region coated and speak about using animal types for aim id and validation. The scientific relevance of animal versions is mentioned by way of significant barriers in cross-species comparisons, scientific trial layout of drug applicants, and the way scientific trial endpoints may be more advantageous. the purpose of this sequence of volumes on Animal and Translational versions for CNS Drug Discovery is to spot and supply universal endpoints among species which may serve to notify either the health center and the bench with the knowledge had to speed up clinically-effective CNS drug discovery.

This is the 1st quantity within the 3 volume-set, Animal and Translational types for CNS Drug Discovery 978-0-12-373861-5, and is additionally available to buy separately.

  • Provides scientific, educational, executive and views fostering built-in conversation among precept members in any respect levels of the drug discovery process
  • Critical overview of animal and translational types bettering transition from drug discovery and scientific development
  • Emphasizes what effects suggest to the final drug discovery process
  • Explores concerns in scientific trial layout and conductance in each one healing area
  • Psychiatric issues is out there for buy individually.

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Elisabeth Schramm's CBASP in der Gruppe: Das Kurzmanual - Mit einem Geleitwort PDF

By Elisabeth Schramm

Das 'Cognitive Behavioral research process of Psychotherapy' (CBASP) ist das weltweit einzige psychotherapeutische Verfahren, das speziell für chronisch depressive Patienten entwickelt wurde. CBASP ist ein relativ neuer integrativer Ansatz, der die vielfach vorhandene Missbrauchsvorgeschichte der Patienten berücksichtigt und an den dadurch bedingten sozialen und emotionalen Reifungsrückständen des Einzelnen anSetzt. Die Methode verzeichnet große Erfolge in der Behandlung dieser Patienten - in den united states hat dieser leading edge Ansatz daher bereits einen hohen Stellenwert und gewinnt im deutschsprachigen Raum ebenfalls zunehmend an Bedeutung. Ursprünglich als Einzeltherapie für das ambulante surroundings entwickelt, weist die Übertragung des Konzepts in das GruppenSetting ökonomische, aber auch klinisch-therapeutische Vorteile auf und hat sich bereits im stationären wie auch im ambulanten Rahmen bewährt. Erstmals für das GruppenSetting: Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen zur Durchführung der Gruppensitzungen Praxis in Buchform: Durchführungsleitlinien, konkrete Handlungsanleitungen, zahlreiche Fallbeispiele, Verbatims und Vorschläge zur individuellen Gestaltung des Settings Zusätzlich on-line: umfangreiche Arbeitsmaterialien inklusive zahlreicher Handouts für Therapeuten und Patienten

Priv.-Doz. Dr. phil. Dipl.-Psych. Elisabeth Schramm klinische Psychologin und Psychotherapeutin, Sektionsleiterin am Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Abt. für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie; Supervisorin für KVT, erste europäische Trainerin und Supervisorin für IPT und CBASP; Begründerin und ehemalige Präsidentin des internationalen CBASP-Netzwerks e.V.; Forschungsschwerpunkt: Psychotherapie-Outcome- und Prozessforschung im Bereich affektiver Störungen; zahlreiche nationale und internationale Publikationen

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Download e-book for kindle: Control of Synchronous Motors by Jean-Paul Louis

By Jean-Paul Louis

ISBN-10: 1848212739

ISBN-13: 9781848212732

Synchronous automobiles are unquestionably the simplest gadget to force business creation platforms and robots with precision and rapidity. Their keep an eye on legislation is therefore serious for combining even as excessive productiveness to diminished strength consummation. so far as attainable, the regulate algorithms needs to take advantage of the houses of those actuators. hence, this paintings attracts on good tailored types caused by the Park’s transformation, for either the main conventional machines with sinusoidal box distribution and for machines with non-sinusoidal box distribution that are increasingly more utilized in undefined. either, traditional keep an eye on concepts like vector keep watch over (either within the synchronous reference body or within the rotor body) and complex keep watch over theories like direct keep watch over and predictive regulate are completely provided. during this context, an important position is reserved to sensorless keep an eye on that's a tremendous and significant factor in tomorrow’s motors.

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Get Davey's Savior PDF

By Timothy Savage

ISBN-10: 069274844X

ISBN-13: 9780692748442

Avila seashore. peaceable, cozy, hidden alongside the Pacific. the place travelers ebb and circulation, and locals continue to themselves. the right position for a sought after guy to conceal in simple sight.

But whilst a spectacle appears to be like at the seashore one morning, a few see it as simply the allure Avila wishes, atmosphere their attractions on low season gains. Others see it a miracle from above, an indication from God. yet four-year-old Davey — in hiding along with his fugitive father — sees it with ask yourself, short of in basic terms to discover.

As eyes and cameras converge, Davey is blind to the possibility they pose to himself, to his father, and to his very existence. After years in hiding, will a miracle divulge those who can't manage to pay for to be chanced on? And who may be Davey’s Savior?

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The Colby Sisters of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Modern Plays) by Adam Bock PDF

By Adam Bock

ISBN-10: 1472598458

ISBN-13: 9781472598455

Nobody is aware us. they believe they do. yet they don't.

In a global of champagne and canapés, the 5 Colby sisters are the glamorous faces of recent York excessive society. With wealth, type and fascinating husbands, they seem to have all of it.

But privately, the sisters' squabbles distort the image of this excellent family members. photo is every little thing and suffering to take care of it might have life-changing consequences.

This black comedy by means of OBIE award-winning Canadian playwright Adam Bock acquired its international most desirable on the Tricycle Theatre, London, on 19 June 2014.

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The Manifestos and Essays - download pdf or read online

By Richard Foreman

ISBN-10: 1559363983

ISBN-13: 9781559363983

"Richard Foreman reinvented discussion, motion, sound, level layout, and philosophical foundation as no different degree artist in our history."—PEN/Laura Pels grasp American Dramatist Award citation

These writings, accumulated from previous books now lengthy out-of-print besides fresh interviews, offer a desirable window into Richard Foreman's singular brain and inventive approach. additionally integrated is The Gods Are Pounding My Head! (AKA Lumberjack Messiah), his final play sooner than transitioning to extra multi-media work.

Richard Foreman has written, directed, and designed greater than fifty of his personal performs, either the world over and at his Ontological-Hysteric Theater, which he based in 1968. He has got many OBIE awards, an NEA Lifetime fulfillment Award, and a MacArthur "Genius" Fellowship.

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New PDF release: Begutachtung bei Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund (German

By Wolfgang Hausotter,Meryam Schouler-Ocak

ISBN-10: 3437316249

ISBN-13: 9783437316241

Holen Sie sich interkulturelle Kompetenz für Ihre Gutachten Wenn Ihr sufferer ausländische Wurzeln hat: Dieses Buch hilft Ihnen, Zusammenhänge und Hintergründe zur state of affairs von Migranten zu verstehen: - mit Kasuistiken und Gesprächsprotokollen aus der Praxis - viele Tipps und praktische Formulierungshilfen.

So können Sie einfühlsam und kompetent begutachten - ohne kulturelle Schranken!

Begutachtung in der Praxis - mit interkultureller Kompetenz und ethnomedizinischen Hintergründen

Die medizinische Versorgung von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund ist längst Bestandteil des klinischen Alltags geworden. Unterschiedliche schulische und berufliche Bildung, Flexibilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit stellen entscheidende Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Integration oder - in ungünstigen Fällen - eine psychosomatische Erkrankung dar. Die Begutachtung von Patienten mit ausländischen Wurzeln stellt stets eine Herausforderung und eine besonders hohe Verantwortung dar, gilt es doch, Menschen mit ganz verschiedenen Biografien, andersartiger Herkunft, sehr unterschiedlichen Sprachkenntnissen und nicht zuletzt auch oft abweichenden Vorstellungen von Gesundheit, Krankheit und Leistungsfähigkeit zu beurteilen. In der zweiten Auflage dieses Buches finden Sie neben den grundlegenden Aspekten der Begutachtung mit ethnomedizinischen und transkulturellen Erwägungen auch Hinweise auf spezielle Fragestellungen wie die Begutachtung von Frauen, Jugendlichen, alternden Menschen, Asylbewerbern, PTBS als besonderes challenge, auch traumatisierende Erlebnisse deutscher Staatsangehöriger in Krieg, Nachkriegszeit und DDR. Kasuistiken und Gesprächsprotokolle aus der Praxis der Verfasser geben den Bezug zur praktischen Begutachtung.

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