Read e-book online Psychologie in der Gynäkologie (German Edition) PDF

By Johannes Bitzer,Hans-Wolfgang Hoefert

ISBN-10: 3899679857

ISBN-13: 9783899679854

Körperliche Veränderungen im Leben einer Frau schließen komplexe psychische und soziale Prozesse mit ein. Das Buch beschreibt die Entwicklungen und entsprechenden Beratungsmöglichkeiten in der gynäkologischen Praxis.
AutorInnen aus der Gynäkologie und Psychologie fokussieren Sexualität, Schwangerschaft, Elternschaft, Menopause, Altersbeschwerden. Spezielle Krankheitsbilder werden en aspect reflektiert: Krebs, Unterbauchschmerzen, menstruelle Störungen, vulväre Störungen, Dyspareunie, Vaginismus, Vulvodynie, Essstörungen u.a..
Einzelbeiträge skizzieren für relevante Situationen Möglichkeiten einer individuellen, therapeutisch klugen Gesprächsführung. Das Buch dient einer umfassenden Beratungspraxis, die Frauen nicht auf ihre hormonellen Grundfunktionen reduziert, sondern ihr besonderes Körperverständnis und ihre besondere psychosoziale state of affairs würdigt.

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Read e-book online This Is How We Die (Oberon Modern Plays) PDF

By Christopher Brett Bailey

ISBN-10: 178319197X

ISBN-13: 9781783191970

a motor-mouthed college of spoken be aware and storytelling. stories of paranoia, younger love and ultra-violence… from the table of christopher brett bailey comes a spiraling odyssey of pitch-black humour and nightmarish prose.

THIS IS HOW WE DIE is a main slice of surrealist trash, an Americana demise journey and a dizzying exorcism for a global confident it truly is dying…

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Read e-book online A Bright Room Called Day PDF

By Tony Kushner

ISBN-10: 0881456314

ISBN-13: 9780881456318

ISBN-10: 1568651104

ISBN-13: 9781568651101

From the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer of Angels in America comes this robust portrayal of person dissolution and determination within the face of political catastrophe.

“It’s brash, audacious and...intoxicatingly visionary.”—Sid Smith, Chicago Tribune

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Leslie Kane's David Mamet's Glengarry Glen Ross: Text and Performance PDF

By Leslie Kane

ISBN-10: 0815318774

ISBN-13: 9780815318774

ISBN-10: 0815335903

ISBN-13: 9780815335900

The 12 unique and vintage essays supply a dialectic on functionality and constitution, and considerably increase our wisdom of this seminal playwright. The commentaries study feminism, pernicious nostalgia, ethnicity, the mythological land motif, the discourse of hysteria, gendered language, and Mamet's imaginative and prescient of the US, offering insights at the theatricality, originality, and universality of the paintings. even if the dominant concentration is on Glengarry Glen Ross, a number of essays examine the play opposed to the historical past of Mamet's Edmund, Reunion, and American Buffalo, while others locate attention-grabbing parallels in Emerson, Baudrillard, Conrad, Miller, and Churchill. The publication additionally contains an interview with Sam Mendes, the director of the hugely acclaimed 1994 revival of Glengarry Glen Ross in London, performed in particular for this collectio. A chronology of significant productions and the most up-tp-date and entire bibliography of secondary references from 1983-1995 whole the volume.

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New PDF release: Biochemie in Frage und Antwort: Fragen und klinische

By Daniel Gagiannis

ISBN-10: 3437432427

ISBN-13: 9783437432422

Die In Frage und Antwort Reihe ermöglicht die effiziente Vorbereitung auf mündliche Prüfungen während des Semesters und im Examen:

  • „Lebensechte" Formulierung von Prüfungsfragen mit ausführlichen Kommentaren
  • Besonders geeignet zur Simulation der Prüfungssituation, z. B. in der Lerngruppe
  • Alle Inhalte für die three. Auflage auf foundation aktueller Prüfungsprotokolle komplett überarbeitet

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Lunge und Atemwege (Springer-Lehrbuch) (German Edition) - download pdf or read online

By Dennis Bösch,Jan Steffel,Thomas Lüscher

ISBN-10: 3642282229

ISBN-13: 9783642282225

Der Band aus der Reihe „Module Innere Medizin“ ermöglicht Lernenden den Blick aufs Ganze. Systematisch stellen die Autoren das gesamte Organsystem Lunge und Atemwege dar: von der Anatomie über die Physiologie bis zur Diagnostik und Therapie von Erkrankungen. Wegen seiner Praxisnähe eignet sich der Band nicht nur für Studierende, sondern auch für Ärzte in der pneumologischen Aus- und Weiterbildung.

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Download PDF by B. Witham: A Sustainable Theatre: Jasper Deeter at Hedgerow (Palgrave

By B. Witham

ISBN-10: 0230341454

ISBN-13: 9780230341456

ISBN-10: 1349344311

ISBN-13: 9781349344314

started as an audacious scan, for thirty years the Hedgerow Theatre prospered as America's such a lot winning repertory corporation. whereas identified for its well-known alumnae (Ann Harding and Richard Basehart), Hedgerow's legacy is a dwelling library of over 2 hundred productions created by means of Jasper Deeter's idealistic and made up our minds pursuit of 'truth and beauty.'

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Get A Mother's Love PDF

By D.A. Rabb

ISBN-10: 144150916X

ISBN-13: 9781441509161

ISBN-10: 1441509178

ISBN-13: 9781441509178

lifestyles could not be higher for Chanda Jackson. She has a winning occupation as an investigating reporter for The Grambler Newspaper and is engaged to marry the fellow of her desires and turn into the mummy to his six 12 months son. Her specific document on younger African American women being kidnapped and strength into the intercourse slave enterprise has anger of a few strong humans. Her global is became the wrong way up, as her fiancé turns up lacking and is presumed useless, ends up in her being curious about a custody conflict for his son. If that won't sufficient to house, she arrested for the homicide of an ex-boyfriend. learn this alluring tale of a woman's struggle hold the kid that she has raised as her personal and to end up her innocence.

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Read e-book online St. Francis of Millbrook PDF

By Sky Gilbert

ISBN-10: 1770912665

ISBN-13: 9781770912663

Being is tough, specially if you are wondering your sexuality and transforming into up in rural Ontario within the mid '90s. upload to temperamental, homophobic father and a tenacious love for Madonna, and it is nearly insufferable. regardless of all of it, Luke loves engaged on the kinfolk farm, and a minimum of he has the aid of a gaggle of neighborhood outsiders who invite him into their circle.

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Download e-book for iPad: Optimal Control Problems for Partial Differential Equations by Peter I. Kogut,Günter R. Leugering

By Peter I. Kogut,Günter R. Leugering

ISBN-10: 0817681485

ISBN-13: 9780817681487

In the improvement of optimum keep watch over, the complexity of the systems to which it truly is applied has elevated considerably, changing into a subject in medical computing. in an effort to perform model-reduction on those platforms, the authors of this work have constructed a style in accordance with asymptotic analysis. Moving from summary causes to examples and purposes with a spotlight on structural community difficulties, they target at combining suggestions of homogenization and approximation.

Optimal keep an eye on difficulties for Partial Differential Equations on Reticulated domain names is a very good reference device for graduate scholars, researchers, and practitioners in arithmetic and parts of engineering related to reticulated domains.

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