Download PDF by Linda M. Ambrose: A Great Rural Sisterhood: Madge Robertson Watt and the ACWW

By Linda M. Ambrose

ISBN-10: 1442615796

ISBN-13: 9781442615793

ISBN-10: 1442647728

ISBN-13: 9781442647725

As the founding president of the linked state ladies of the area (ACWW), Madge Robertson Watt (1868–1948) became imperialism on its head. throughout the First international battle, Watt imported the “made-in-Canada” suggestion of Women’s Institutes – voluntary institutions of rural girls – to the British geographical region. within the interwar years, she capitalized at the good fortune of the Institutes to assist create the ACWW, a world association of rural ladies. A feminist imperialist and a liberal internationalist, Watt was once imperative to the institution of 2 agencies which stay lively around the globe today.

In A nice Rural Sisterhood, Linda M. Ambrose makes use of a wealth of archival fabrics from each side of the Atlantic to inform the tale of Watt’s notable lifestyles, from her early years as a Toronto journalist to her retirement and memorialization after the second one global War.

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A Great Rural Sisterhood: Madge Robertson Watt and the ACWW by Linda M. Ambrose

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