Download e-book for iPad: Advances and Applications in Nonlinear Control Systems by Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan,Christos Volos

By Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan,Christos Volos

ISBN-10: 3319301675

ISBN-13: 9783319301679

The booklet experiences at the most up-to-date advances and purposes of nonlinear
control structures.  It contains 30
contributed chapters through topic specialists who're really expert within the various
topics addressed during this booklet. The detailed chapters were introduced out in
the wide components of nonlinear regulate structures such  as robotics, nonlinear circuits, power
systems, memristors, underwater automobiles, chemical techniques, observer design,
output law, backstepping keep an eye on, sliding mode regulate, time-delayed
control, variables constitution keep watch over, strong adaptive regulate, fuzzy logic
control, chaos, hyperchaos, jerk platforms, hyperjerk structures, chaos control,
chaos synchronization, and so on. unique significance was once given to chapters offering
practical ideas, modeling and novel regulate tools for the hot research
problems in nonlinear keep an eye on systems.

This e-book will function a reference booklet for graduate students
and researchers with a simple wisdom of electric and keep watch over systems
engineering. The ensuing layout methods at the nonlinear keep an eye on systems
are emphasised utilizing MATLAB software.

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Advances and Applications in Nonlinear Control Systems (Studies in Computational Intelligence) by Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan,Christos Volos

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