Download e-book for kindle: Against the Grain: Extraordinary Gluten-Free Recipes Made by Nancy Cain

By Nancy Cain

ISBN-10: 0385345550

ISBN-13: 9780385345552

Revolutionary all-natural recipes for gluten-free cooking--from the landlord of opposed to the Grain Gourmet.

Nancy Cain got here to gluten-free cooking just enough: Her teenage son used to be clinically determined with celiac ailment. After making an attempt ready-made baking mixes and discovering the implications rubbery and tasteless, she pioneered gluten-free meals made completely from typical ingredients--no xanthan or guar gums or different secret chemical ingredients allowed. That led her to evolve a lot of her family's favourite recipes, together with their cherished pizzas, pastas, and extra, to this genuine meals process. In Against the Grain, Nancy ultimately stocks two hundred groundbreaking recipes for attaining ethereal, crisp breads, scrumptious baked items, and gluten-free major dishes.
     For any of those cookies, muffins, pies, sandwiches, and casseroles, you utilize in basic terms usual materials equivalent to buckwheat flour, brown rice flour, and ripe vegatables and fruits. even if you are making Potato Rosemary Bread, iced purple Velvet Cupcakes, Lemon-Thyme-Summer Squash Ravioli, or Rainbow Chard and Kalamata Olive Pizza, you will use components already on your pantry or simply chanced on at your neighborhood supermarket.
     With considerable info for gluten-free newcomers and a hundred colourful photos, this e-book is a online game changer for gluten-free families everywhere.

From the alternate Paperback edition.

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Against the Grain: Extraordinary Gluten-Free Recipes Made from Real, All-Natural Ingredients by Nancy Cain

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