Download PDF by Steven F. Railsback,Volker Grimm: Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling: A Practical

By Steven F. Railsback,Volker Grimm

ISBN-10: 0691136734

ISBN-13: 9780691136738

ISBN-10: 0691136742

ISBN-13: 9780691136745

Agent-based modeling is a brand new approach for figuring out how the dynamics of organic, social, and different advanced structures come up from the features and behaviors of the brokers making up those platforms. This cutting edge textbook offers scholars and scientists the abilities to layout, enforce, and research agent-based types. It starts off with the basics of modeling and offers an creation to NetLogo, an easy-to-use, loose, and robust software program platform. 9 chapters then each one introduce a tremendous modeling thought and express the right way to enforce it utilizing NetLogo. The ebook is going directly to current techniques for locating the proper point of version complexity and constructing thought for agent habit, and for reading and studying from models.

Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling beneficial properties concise and available textual content, various examples, and routines utilizing small yet medical types. The emphasis all through is on analysis--such as software program trying out, thought improvement, robustness research, and knowing complete models--and on layout matters like optimizing version constitution and discovering stable parameter values.

  • The first hands-on advent to agent-based modeling, from conceptual layout to machine implementation to parameterization and research
  • Designed for college students and researchers around the organic and social sciences
  • Written through prime practitioners

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Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling: A Practical Introduction by Steven F. Railsback,Volker Grimm

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