Download PDF by Mark V. Lawson: Algebra & Geometry: An Introduction to University

By Mark V. Lawson

ISBN-10: 1138401692

ISBN-13: 9781138401693

ISBN-10: 1482246473

ISBN-13: 9781482246476

Algebra & Geometry: An creation to school Mathematics presents a bridge among highschool and undergraduate arithmetic classes on algebra and geometry. the writer indicates scholars how arithmetic is greater than a suite of equipment by means of offering vital rules and their old origins in the course of the textual content. He encompasses a hands-on method of proofs and connects algebra and geometry to varied applications.

The textual content makes a speciality of linear equations, polynomial equations, and quadratic varieties. the 1st numerous chapters disguise foundational themes, together with the significance of proofs and houses generally encountered whilst learning algebra. the remainder chapters shape the mathematical middle of the booklet. those chapters clarify the answer of alternative varieties of algebraic equations, the character of the suggestions, and the interaction among geometry and algebra

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Algebra & Geometry: An Introduction to University Mathematics by Mark V. Lawson

by Christopher

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