Download e-book for iPad: American Anatomies: Theorizing Race and Gender (New by Robyn Wiegman

By Robyn Wiegman

ISBN-10: 0822315769

ISBN-13: 9780822315766

ISBN-10: 0822315912

ISBN-13: 9780822315919

In this brilliantly combative examine, Robyn Wiegman demanding situations modern clichés approximately race and gender, a formula that's itself a cliché wanting wondering. As a part of what she calls her "feminist disloyalty," she turns a serious, even skeptical, eye on present debates approximately multiculturalism and "difference" whereas at the same time exposing the various ways that white racial supremacy has been reconfigured because the institutional death of segregation. so much of all, she examines the hypocrisy and contradictoriness of over a century of narratives that posit Anglo-Americans as heroic brokers of racism’s decline. no matter if assessing Uncle Tom’s Cabin, lynching, Leslie Fiedler’s racialist mapping of the yank novel, the Black energy stream of the 60s, 80s blood brother movies, or the novels of Richard Wright and Toni Morrison, Wiegman unflinchingly confronts the paradoxes of either racism and antiracist agendas, together with these complicated from a feminist perspective.
American Anatomies takes the lengthy view: What epistemological frameworks allowed the West, from the Renaissance ahead, to schematize racial and gender alterations and to create social hierarchies in keeping with those ameliorations? How have these epistemological regimes changed—and no longer changed—over time? the place are we now? With painstaking care, political ardour, and highbrow bold, Wiegman analyzes the organic and cultural bases of racial and gender bias for you to reinvigorate the dialogue of id politics. She concludes that, for terribly various purposes, id proves to be harmful to minority and majority alike.

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American Anatomies: Theorizing Race and Gender (New Americanists) by Robyn Wiegman

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