Download e-book for iPad: Analysis of Deterministic Cyclic Gene Regulatory Network by Mehmet Eren Ahsen,Hitay Özbay,Silviu-Iulian Niculescu

By Mehmet Eren Ahsen,Hitay Özbay,Silviu-Iulian Niculescu

ISBN-10: 3319156055

ISBN-13: 9783319156057

This short examines a deterministic, ODE-based version for gene regulatory networks (GRN) that comes with nonlinearities and time-delayed suggestions. An introductory bankruptcy offers a few insights into molecular biology and GRNs. The mathematical instruments valuable for learning the GRN version are then reviewed, particularly Hill services and Schwarzian derivatives. One bankruptcy is dedicated to the research of GRNs below unfavourable suggestions with time delays and a unique case of a homogenous GRN is considered. Asymptotic balance research of GRNs below confident suggestions is then thought of in a separate bankruptcy, during which stipulations resulting in bi-stability are derived. Graduate and complicated undergraduate scholars and researchers up to the mark engineering, utilized arithmetic, platforms biology and artificial biology will locate this short to be a transparent and concise creation to the modeling and research of GRNs.

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Analysis of Deterministic Cyclic Gene Regulatory Network Models with Delays (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering) by Mehmet Eren Ahsen,Hitay Özbay,Silviu-Iulian Niculescu

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