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By Rebecca Edwards

ISBN-10: 019511695X

ISBN-13: 9780195116953

ISBN-10: 0195116968

ISBN-13: 9780195116960

Angels within the Machinery deals a sweeping research of the centrality of gender to politics within the usa from the times of the Whigs to the early 20th century. writer Rebecca Edwards indicates that girls within the U.S. participated actively and influentially as Republicans, Democrats, and leaders of third-party routine like Prohibitionism and Populism--decades prior to they received the correct to vote--and within the procedure controlled to rework ceaselessly the ideology of yank get together politics. utilizing cartoons, speeches, celebration structures, information money owed, and crusade memorabilia, she deals a compelling rationalization of why kin values, women's political actions, or even applicants' intercourse lives stay hot-button concerns in politics to this day.

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Angels in the Machinery: Gender in American Party Politics from the Civil War to the Progressive Era by Rebecca Edwards

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