Download PDF by Santo Banerjee,Lamberto Rondoni: Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and

By Santo Banerjee,Lamberto Rondoni

ISBN-10: 3642340164

ISBN-13: 9783642340161

ISBN-10: 3642446507

ISBN-13: 9783642446504

Chaos and nonlinear dynamics at first built as a brand new emergent box with its origin in physics and utilized arithmetic. The hugely familiar, interdisciplinary caliber of the insights received within the previous few a long time has spawned myriad purposes in just about all branches of technology and technology—and even well past. at any place quantitative modeling and research of complicated, nonlinear phenomena is needed, chaos conception and its equipment can play a key position.
This 3rd quantity concentrates on reviewing extra appropriate modern purposes of chaotic nonlinear structures as they practice to many of the state of the art branches of engineering. This encompasses, yet isn't really constrained to, themes such fluctuation kin and chaotic dynamics in physics, fractals and their purposes in epileptic seizures, in addition to chaos synchronization.

Featuring contributions from lively and major study teams, this assortment is perfect either as a reference and as a ‘recipe booklet’ choked with attempted and established, profitable engineering applications.

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Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Engineering - Vol. 3 (Understanding Complex Systems) by Santo Banerjee,Lamberto Rondoni

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