Download e-book for kindle: Archaeology Behind the Battle Lines: The Macedonian Campaign by Andrew Shapland,Evangelia Stefani

By Andrew Shapland,Evangelia Stefani

ISBN-10: 1138285250

ISBN-13: 9781138285255

This quantity makes a speciality of a formative interval within the historical past and archaeology of northern Greece. the last decade following 1912, while Thessaloniki grew to become a part of Greece, used to be a interval marked by way of a unprecedented internationalism end result of the inhabitants pursuits brought on by the moving of nationwide borders and the troop events which followed the 1st global War.

The papers accrued the following glance basically on the effect of the discoveries of the military of the Orient at the archaeological learn of the quarter of Macedonia. ensuing collections of antiquities are actually held in Thessaloniki, London, Paris, Edinburgh and Oxford. numerous experts study every one of those collections, bringing the archaeological legacy of the Macedonian crusade jointly in a single quantity for the 1st time.

A key topic of the quantity is the rising discussion among the archaeological is still of Macedonia and the politics of Hellenism. a couple of authors give some thought to how archaeological interpretation used to be formed via the incorporation of Macedonia into Greece. different authors describe how the politics of the crusade, during which Greece was once first and foremost a impartial companion, had implications either for the management of archaeological reveals and their next dispersal. a selected concentration is the historic personalities who have been concerned and the websites they found. The function of the Greek Archaeological carrier, really within the safeguard of antiquities, in addition to selling excavation within the aftermath of the 1917 nice fireplace of Thessaloniki, can also be considered.

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Archaeology Behind the Battle Lines: The Macedonian Campaign (1915-19) and its Legacy (British School at Athens - Modern Greek and Byzantine Studies) by Andrew Shapland,Evangelia Stefani

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