Baby Comes Home: A Parents' Guide to a Healthy and Well by Dr. Paul Roumeliotis PDF

By Dr. Paul Roumeliotis

ISBN-10: 0995333602

ISBN-13: 9780995333604

Unlike such a lot child care books, this early baby care consultant by way of pediatrician and wellbeing and fitness communicator DR.PAUL Roumeliotis takes a distinct method by means of emphasizing what medical advances have confirmed—that what occurs early on in lifestyles impacts one’s total healthiness a long time down the line. He believes the 1st eighteen months of a child’s lifestyles can set their well being path.

Baby Comes domestic starts off by way of describing the very important adjustments that take place in a baby’s mind throughout the first eighteen months and explains why the early years are so vital. It explores the recent “Science of TLC,” which exhibits how delicate, loving, and worrying relationships with infants support to form their brains positively.

DR.PAUL offers vital functional details on protection in the house and out of doors, child workouts and styles, immunizations, harm prevention, food, and progress and improvement milestones. the second one 1/2 this helpful consultant stories universal child care concerns and issues in addition to health problems and prerequisites in most cases noticeable through the first few years of lifestyles. even if you’re a guardian, grandparent, daycare instructor, or baby caregiver, this publication is a wonderful reference in your baby’s present and overall healthiness, health, and prosperity.

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Baby Comes Home: A Parents' Guide to a Healthy and Well First Eighteen Months by Dr. Paul Roumeliotis

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