New PDF release: Cannae: The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War:

By Gregory Daly

ISBN-10: 0415261473

ISBN-13: 9780415261470

ISBN-10: 0415327431

ISBN-13: 9780415327435

On a scorching and dusty summer's day in 216 BC, the forces of the Carthaginian basic Hannibal confronted the Roman military in a dramatic come across at Cannae. hugely outnumbered, the Carthaginians however gained an amazing victory - person who left greater than 50,000 males dead.
Gregory Daly's mesmerizing examine considers the explanations that led the 2 armies to the sphere of conflict, and why each one the direction that they did after they acquired there. It explores intimately the composition of the armies, and the strategies and management equipment of the opposing generals. ultimately, via targeting the stories of these who fought, Daly offers an remarkable portrait of the genuine horror and chaos of historical warfare.
This amazing and vibrant account is the fullest but of the bloodiest conflict in old history.

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Cannae: The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War: The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War by Gregory Daly

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