Download e-book for kindle: Fight for Your Dream: How to Develop the Focus, Discipline, by Ruben Gonzalez

By Ruben Gonzalez

ISBN-10: 0975554735

ISBN-13: 9780975554739

Four-time Olympian, bestselling writer and award-winning speaker Ruben Gonzalez on tips to boost the focal point, self-discipline, self belief and braveness 
you have to in achieving your ambitions. Take regulate of your lifestyles with the good fortune secrets and techniques of an Olympic athlete and profitable enterprise owner.

As a four-time Olympian, peak-performance specialist Ruben Gonzalez understands tips on how to be successful time and again. you can now study the keys to luck from an individual who is been there.

Learn time-tested how one can:

- construct self belief and wreck worry
- unharness your ardour and force
- unencumber your complete power
- flip defeat into victory
- in attaining your lifestyles goals

Ruben wasn't a proficient athlete. He did not soak up the Olympic game of luge until eventually he used to be 21. opposed to all odds, 4 years and some damaged bones later he was once competing within the Calgary wintry weather Olympics. on the age of forty seven he used to be racing opposed to 20-year-olds on the Vancouver Olympics.

If those ideas labored for Ruben, they are going to paintings for a person, anyplace, anytime.

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Download e-book for kindle: Harry Johnson: A Life in Economics (Historical Perspectives by D. E. Moggridge

By D. E. Moggridge

ISBN-10: 0521874823

ISBN-13: 9780521874823

ISBN-10: 1107405270

ISBN-13: 9781107405271

Harry Johnson (1923–1977) used to be the sort of outstanding determine in economics that Nobel Laureate James Tobin distinct the 3rd sector of the 20 th century as 'the age of Johnson'. Johnson performed a number one function within the improvement and extension of the Heckscher-Ohlin version of foreign alternate. inside of financial economics he was once additionally a seminal determine who pointed out and defined the hyperlinks among the tips of the most important post-war innovators. His dialogue of the problems that might make the most of additional paintings set the profession's schedule for a iteration. This booklet chronicles his highbrow improvement and his contributions to economics, monetary schooling and the dialogue of monetary policy.

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Powerpausen für Powerfrauen: Innehalten. Kraft schöpfen. - download pdf or read online

By Heike Klümper-Hilgart

ISBN-10: 3946287093

ISBN-13: 9783946287094

Paula ist eine Powerfrau: pausenlos auf der Überholspur des Lebens unterwegs. Beruflich wie privat. Voll berufstätig als einzige weibliche Führungskraft in einem internationalen Unternehmen, inklusive Wochenendbeziehung und fünfköpfiger Patchworkfamilie mit pubertären children. Paula managt alles, scheinbar spielerisch. Immer mit dem Anspruch auf Höchstleistung. Bis eines Tages gar nichts mehr geht. Am bewegenden Beispiel von Paulas Geschichte beschreibt Heike Klümper-Hilgart, welche Gefahren im Alltag auf pausenlose Powerfrauen lauern und wie der totalen Erschöpfung vorgebeugt werden kann, damit Körper, Geist und Seele wieder in stability kommen.

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Download e-book for kindle: Junk to Gold, De CHATARRA a ORO: Del salvamento a la subasta by Willis Johnson

By Willis Johnson

ISBN-10: 1490845410

ISBN-13: 9781490845418

ISBN-10: 1490845429

ISBN-13: 9781490845425

Conocí a Willis en 1998. Fue obvio que él period único. Willis sabe perfectamente quién es y en qué cree. Su enfoque es claro e inquebrantable: los angeles familia, l. a. religión y Copart.

Willis construyó Copart a partir de un depósito de chatarra y lo convirtió en una empresa de subastas de 4.5 mil millones de dólares impulsada por los angeles alta tecnología. Esto no fue el resultado de una serie de planes exitosos de five años. Willis nunca tuvo un plan a largo plazo. Su objetivo period sobrevivir. Levantarse cada mañana y hacer lo mejor que pudiera. A esa tarea le sumó ciertas habilidades naturales: l. a. habilidad de observar continuamente, pensar en lo que observa, priorizar, delegar, repensar, reexaminar casi todo de forma constante. Además, se siente cómodo tomando decisiones.

Su forma de pensar y su capacidad de ser decisivo es el motivo por el que Copart pasó de ser un depósito de chatarra a empresa internacional de subastas de 4.5 mil millones de dólares inspirada en los angeles alta tecnología.

Tom Smith,
Prescott Investors


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New PDF release: Singapore’s Lost Son: How I Made It from Drop-Out to

By Kaiwen Leong

ISBN-10: 981438268X

ISBN-13: 9789814382687

this is often the real tale of a boy with an easy dream—to develop into a guy. yet he fell and have become a dropout of college, pals, existence, himself. yet with the supporting hand of a instructor, he became his existence round, chanced on buddies and love, and fulfilled his dream. this is often the tale of the way that boy went from dropout to millionaire Princeton PhD. Expelled from 4 junior faculties (he was once labelled ‘subnormal’ and never academically inclined), Kaiwen Leong sat for the a degree examinations as a personal candidate whereas experimenting with web web pages to aim his hand at entrepreneurship. He studied tough and did good sufficient to be admitted to Boston college within the US the place he graduated with bachelors and masters levels in economics and arithmetic in 4 years. after which he went directly to receive postgraduate levels at Princeton college. he's a member of America’s such a lot prestigious educational societies and has released study papers on economics, arithmetic and physics. this day he lectures at Nanyang Techonological collage and is an economist at Spring Singapore. learn how Dr Leong picked up his existence.

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Download PDF by Bernhard Schlörit: Verdammte Container: Seefahrt in den 1980er Jahren – Ein

By Bernhard Schlörit

ISBN-10: 1515172597

ISBN-13: 9781515172598

Bernhard Schlörit, Geburtsjahrgang 1949, schildert in seinem ersten Buch (Band sixty two „Hast du mal einen Sturm erlebt“) die ersten Erfahrungen mit der Seefahrt in der Funktion eines „Aufwäschers“, seine Ausbildung zum Funkoffizier und die Reisen auf dem Kühlschiff MS „PEKARI“. Im Band sixty six („Auf dicken Pötten um die Welt“) nimmt er seine Leser mit auf die Massengutfrachter „PROPONTIS“ und „SAXONIA“. Dieser neue Band seventy seven erzählt von den gravierenden Veränderungen, die der box für die Seeleute mit sich brachte. Erinnerungen eines Seemannes an die Frachtfahrt in den frühen 1980er Jahren, dargestellt mit Sachlichkeit und Humor. Eine bunte Sammlung von ernsten und heiteren Episoden, angereichert mit zahlreichen Hintergrundinformationen. Und ein Nachruf auf eine Lebenskultur an Bord, die es so heute nicht mehr gibt.
Dieser neue Band seventy seven hat wieder das Zeug, zu einem Bestseller der Seemanns-Erinnerungsliteratur zu werden und wird sicher wieder nicht nur ehemalige Seeleute lebhaft an ihre aktive Fahrzeit erinnern, sondern auch Landratten einen guten Einblick in die Seefahrt der 1980er Jahre vermitteln.
Aus Rezensionen zu Bernhard Schlörits Büchern: Ich bin ein halbes Leben lang in gleicher place zur See gefahren und hatte über lange Zeiträume, oftmals sogar täglich mit Bernhard Schlörit QSO, additionally KW-Sprechverbindung, auf der berühmten ‚Quasselwelle’. Der Weg dahin battle bei ihm ähnlich steinig wie bei mir, aber auch die Annehmlichkeiten, als es erstmal geschafft struggle. Wir fuhren bei der gleichen Reederei, aber persönlich begegnet sind wir uns nie, so kenne ich doch sämtlich die Häfen in SAWK – wenn auch nicht die gleichen „Marias“ dort – aus eigener Anschauung. Seine Schilderungen über das Bordleben wie auch an Land treffen den Punkt und alles mit einer guten Prise Humor. Da kann gerne noch mehr kommen. Oder: Auf wunderbare Weise hat mich dieses Buch wieder in meine Jugendzeit versetzt! Als Auszubildender fuhr ich 16-17jährig beim Norddeutschen Lloyd auf dem Frachter ROTHENSTEIN nach Australien und Südamerika. Unsere auch vom Autor benutzte damalige Bordsprache hat mein Herz geöffnet und all die vielen schönen Erinnerungen aus den sechziger und siebziger Jahren wieder aufleben lassen. Authentisch bis ins kleinste aspect erfährt der Leser hier alles über die Arbeitsbedingungen und vor allem über die ‚Freizeitgestaltung’ der Bordbesatzungen auf längeren Auslandsreisen. Nie zuvor habe ich so herzerwärmende und grundehrliche Schilderungen über das wahre Seemannsleben, das Denken und Fühlen des Protagonisten und der Besatzung lesen dürfen. Nicht aus der Hand legen konnte ich dieses Buch. Ich habe Tränen gelacht über die Partys und Puffbesuche in tropischen Häfen. Es struggle eine einmalige wunderschöne Zeit!
Auch ich hatte Ende der 1970er und Anfang der 80er Jahre die Gelegenheit, auf solchen „dicken Pötten“ zur See fahren zu dürfen – zunächst als Decksjunge und dann gleich nach dem Patent als three. Offizier. Es ist wunderbar, dass es ehemalige Fahrensleute wie Bernd Schlörit gibt, die a) in der Lage sind all diese Eindrücke, die ich rundherum – in anderem Umfeld natürlich – bestätigen kann, ansprechend sprachlich anschaulich und amüsant darzustellen und b) über eine gute Erinnerung mit entsprechenden Aufzeichnungen und Bildmaterial verfügen. Ich habe es damals genau so erlebt.

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Download e-book for kindle: Roy D. Chapin: The Man Behind the Hudson Motor Car Company by J. C. Long,Charles K. Hyde

By J. C. Long,Charles K. Hyde

ISBN-10: 081433184X

ISBN-13: 9780814331842

"John Cuthbert Long’s Roy D. Chapin is an intensive and unique biography of a extraordinary, yet little-known Detroit vehicle pioneer. Historians may still comprise Roy Dikeman Chapin (February 23, 1880–February sixteen, 1936) in any directory of major American automobile pioneers, in addition to the Duryea brothers, Ransom E. Olds, Henry Leland, Henry Ford, William C. Durant, and the ward off brothers. outdoor the cloister of car historians, Roy Chapin is an unknown. this is often partly simply because no corporation or vehicle bore his identify. not like many modern automobile pioneers, Roy Chapin was once a modest guy who didn't advertise himself. Even Long’s brilliant biography of Chapin isn't really recognized since it used to be privately published in 1945 with a small press run. In reprinting this quantity, Wayne country college Press is making an incredible contribution to car history."
—From the advent by way of Charles ok. Hyde, division of background, Wayne nation University

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Junk to Gold: De Ferro-velho ao Maior Leilão de Automóveis by Willis Johnson PDF

By Willis Johnson

ISBN-10: 1490853324

ISBN-13: 9781490853321

“Quando olho para traz, penso que meu sucesso é em parte devido as lições que meu pai me ensinou e em parte a mão de Deus me guiando no caminho. Também penso que boa parte disso tem a ver com o fato de que nunca pensei que o que estava fazendo poderia não funcionar. Nunca pensei que não poderia fazer. Alguns podem chamar isso de confiança. Alguns também podem pensar que esse tipo de otimismo cego vem da ignorância. Mas european simplesmente nunca deixei a possibilidade de fracasso entrar na minha mente. E ecu acredito que quando você pode saltar para algo de todo coração você pode fazer coisas incríveis pois não há medo que te impeça.” – Willis Johnson

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Download PDF by Arthur D. Howden Smith: John Jacob Astor: Landlord of New York

By Arthur D. Howden Smith

ISBN-10: 1596057491

ISBN-13: 9781596057494

a few weeks later a dray drove as much as the Astor shop, then at sixty eight Pine road, and brought a couple of very heavy little kegs which chinked faintly as they have been rolled in throughout the door.
"What in the world are these, Jacob?" Sarah demanded whilst she occurred in in the course of the afternoon.
"Der culmination of our East India pass," he responded, his deep-set eyes twinkling merrily.
He nodded.
"Ho-how much?"
"Fifty-five t'ousan' dollar."
"Jacob!" she gasped.
And good she may. It used to be as wealthy a coup as he ever achieved.
-from "Fur and Tea"

New Yorkers cannot break out the identify Astor: it graces theaters, lodges, highway names, or even a complete Queens local.

This pleasant biography of the "landlord of latest York" explains how John Jacob Astor, who arrived within the urban a terrible immigrant in 1784, created this type of fortune-in actual property, fur, and exchange with China-not just for himself yet for the town and country round him that his impact couldn't be denied.

Author Arthur D. Howden Smith was once, within the early years of the twentieth century, a significantly well known writer of pulp fiction on a par with E.E. "Doc" Smith and Edgar Rice Burroughs.

And an identical boisterous enthusiasm that made his experience stories of pirates and Vikings so riproaring readable bursts forth from this vintage biography as well.

Also on hand from Cosimo Classics: Howden Smith's Commodore Vanderbilt: An Epic of yank Achievement.

ARTHUR DOUGLAS HOWDEN SMITH (1887-1945) was once an drastically prolific and various author, penning quite a few brief tales, biographies, and company reviews, yet he's most sensible remembered for his many pulp novels, together with Porto Bello Gold (a prequel to Treasure Island), The lifeless move Overside, The Doom path, Swain's Saga, and others.

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Download e-book for kindle: Stock Market Superstars: Secrets of Canada's Top Stock by Bob Thompson

By Bob Thompson

ISBN-10: 1897178670

ISBN-13: 9781897178676

In those soaking up interviews with twelve of the best funds managers in Canada, Bob Thompson explores the mechanics and psychology in the back of the main features that make those managers nice. How do the country's most sensible inventory pickers make hundreds of thousands of greenbacks within the markets? that is the query Thompson solutions in interviews with those money-making superstars.

This ebook highlights the typical characteristics of a few of the simplest cash managers within the nation. it's going to aid typical traders elevate their talents via having the money managers, of their personal phrases, clarify how their thoughts, kinds, and good fortune have constructed through the years. during this enjoyable booklet, traders will see the insights, personalities, foibles, outlooks, and misgivings of a few of the brightest minds within the funding global the following in Canada. it's going to help in making traders conscious of their very own strengths and weaknesses. study what it takes to be a superb investor!

For more information concerning the managers during this booklet and a different portfolio controlled by means of Bob Thompson comprising the thoughts of lots of Canada's most sensible inventory pickers, please stopover at:

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