Download PDF by Arthur D. Howden Smith: John Jacob Astor: Landlord of New York

By Arthur D. Howden Smith

ISBN-10: 1596057491

ISBN-13: 9781596057494

a few weeks later a dray drove as much as the Astor shop, then at sixty eight Pine road, and brought a couple of very heavy little kegs which chinked faintly as they have been rolled in throughout the door.
"What in the world are these, Jacob?" Sarah demanded whilst she occurred in in the course of the afternoon.
"Der culmination of our East India pass," he responded, his deep-set eyes twinkling merrily.
He nodded.
"Ho-how much?"
"Fifty-five t'ousan' dollar."
"Jacob!" she gasped.
And good she may. It used to be as wealthy a coup as he ever achieved.
-from "Fur and Tea"

New Yorkers cannot break out the identify Astor: it graces theaters, lodges, highway names, or even a complete Queens local.

This pleasant biography of the "landlord of latest York" explains how John Jacob Astor, who arrived within the urban a terrible immigrant in 1784, created this type of fortune-in actual property, fur, and exchange with China-not just for himself yet for the town and country round him that his impact couldn't be denied.

Author Arthur D. Howden Smith was once, within the early years of the twentieth century, a significantly well known writer of pulp fiction on a par with E.E. "Doc" Smith and Edgar Rice Burroughs.

And an identical boisterous enthusiasm that made his experience stories of pirates and Vikings so riproaring readable bursts forth from this vintage biography as well.

Also on hand from Cosimo Classics: Howden Smith's Commodore Vanderbilt: An Epic of yank Achievement.

ARTHUR DOUGLAS HOWDEN SMITH (1887-1945) was once an drastically prolific and various author, penning quite a few brief tales, biographies, and company reviews, yet he's most sensible remembered for his many pulp novels, together with Porto Bello Gold (a prequel to Treasure Island), The lifeless move Overside, The Doom path, Swain's Saga, and others.

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John Jacob Astor: Landlord of New York by Arthur D. Howden Smith

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