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By Thomas Leslie

ISBN-10: 0252037545

ISBN-13: 9780252037542

For greater than a century, Chicago's skyline has integrated many of the world's so much specific and encouraging structures. This historical past of the Windy City's skyscrapers starts off within the key interval of reconstruction after the nice fireplace of 1871 and concludes in 1934 with the onset of the nice melancholy, which introduced architectural growth to a standstill. in this time, such iconic landmarks because the Chicago Tribune Tower, the Wrigley construction, the Marshall box and corporate development, the Chicago inventory alternate, the Palmolive construction, the Masonic Temple, the town Opera, item Mart, and so forth rose to notable new heights, because of concepts in construction equipment and fabrics. good, earthbound edifices of iron, brick, and stone made approach for towers of metal and plate glass, presenting a extraordinary new glance to Chicago's growing to be city landscape.


Thomas Leslie finds the day-by-day struggles, technical breakthroughs, and negotiations that produced those exceptional structures. He additionally considers how the city's notorious political weather contributed to its structure, as development and zoning codes have been usually disputed by way of transferring networks of competitors, hard work unions, expert corporations, and municipal bodies.


Featuring greater than 100 pictures and illustrations of the city's bodily extraordinary and wonderfully diversified structure, Chicago Skyscrapers, 1871–1934 highlights a really dynamic, lively interval of architectural growth in Chicago.

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Chicago Skyscrapers, 1871-1934 by Thomas Leslie

by Charles

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