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By Dietmar Schomburg,Ida Schomburg,A. Chang

ISBN-10: 3540365214

ISBN-13: 9783540365211

Springer instruction manual of Enzymes presents information on enzymes sufficiently good characterised. It deals concise and entire descriptions of a few 5,000 enzymes and their program parts. information sheets are prepared of their EC-Number series and the volumes themselves are prepared in keeping with enzyme periods. This new, moment version displays significant growth in enzymology: many enzymes are newly categorised or reclassified. every one access is correlated with references and a number of resource organisms. New datafields are created: program and engineering (for the homes of enzymes the place the series has been changed). the entire quantity of fabric inside the guide has greater than doubled in order that the whole moment version comprises 39 volumes in addition to a Synonym Index. moreover, beginning in 2009, all newly categorized enzymes are handled in complement Volumes. Springer guide of Enzymes is a perfect resource of data for researchers in biochemistry, biotechnology, natural and analytical chemistry, and nutrients sciences, in addition to for medicinal applications.

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Class 2 Transferases VIII: EC - 35 (Springer Handbook of Enzymes) by Dietmar Schomburg,Ida Schomburg,A. Chang

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