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By Ladislav Kováč

ISBN-10: 3319206591

ISBN-13: 9783319206592

This quantity analyses the evolution of humankind via combining techniques from technology and the humanities. It deals a singular standpoint at the evolution of existence in the world, in response to a contemporary reformulation of the second one legislation of thermodynamics by way of the “maximum entropy construction principle.”

In essence, the Earth is yet one of the “white holes” within the universe, the place existence features as a particular association for the quick dissipation of strength gradients through producing self-organized constructions. Evolution of lifestyles within the universe is an artistic strategy of expanding complexity as a Bayesian ratchet of data accumulation, advancing in an evolutionary maze characterised by way of myriad blind alleys. in the world, the human species has advanced greater than the other via developing artefacts that experience develop into either brokers and items of in our cumulative cultural evolution. tradition has dramatically greater the speed of dissipation of power gradients. Extrapolating from the acceleration of cultural evolution means that humanity will succeed in the Civilization Singularity in the course of the twenty first century, some extent in time at which the speed of adjustments, and for that reason their unpredictability and uncontrollability, will converge to infinity. Humankind has now entered the final word age, within which the exuberance and splendour of human feats can be metaphorically likened to fireworks.

The writer highlights a brand new position of scientists as intellectuals who can create “music for the fireworks” through analysing the results of the fabulous dynamics to be able to make the ultimate part of human evolution a chic one marked by way of minimum political and social tensions.

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Closing Human Evolution: Life in the Ultimate Age (SpringerBriefs in Evolutionary Biology) by Ladislav Kováč

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