Concepts and Methodologies for Modeling and Simulation: A by Levent Yilmaz PDF

By Levent Yilmaz

ISBN-10: 3319150952

ISBN-13: 9783319150956

This accomplished textual content provides state-of-the-art advances within the thought and method of modeling and simulation (M&S) and divulges how this paintings has been inspired by means of the basic contributions of Prof. Tuncer Ören to this box. Exploring the synergies one of the domain names of M&S and structures engineering (SE), the ebook describes how M&S and SE might help to deal with the complicated difficulties pointed out as “Grand demanding situations” extra successfully less than a model-driven and simulation-directed structures engineering framework. gains: examines frameworks for the improvement of complex simulation methodologies; provides a spotlight on complicated modeling methodologies; studies the reliability and caliber coverage of types; discusses the specification and simulation of human and social habit, together with versions of character, feelings, clash administration, conception and anticipation; offers a survey of the physique of data in M&S; highlights the principles confirmed via the pioneering paintings of Prof. Tuncer Ören.

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Concepts and Methodologies for Modeling and Simulation: A Tribute to Tuncer Ören (Simulation Foundations, Methods and Applications) by Levent Yilmaz

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