Download e-book for kindle: Corporate Responsibility and Labour Rights: Codes of Conduct by Ruth Pearson,Gill Seyfang,Rhys Jenkins

By Ruth Pearson,Gill Seyfang,Rhys Jenkins

ISBN-10: 1853839302

ISBN-13: 9781853839306

ISBN-10: 1853839310

ISBN-13: 9781853839313

The emergence of voluntary company codes of behavior because the early Nineteen Nineties is either a manifestation of and a reaction to the method of globalization. they've been a part of a extra common shift clear of country legislation of transnational firms in the direction of company self-regulation within the parts of labour and environmental criteria and human rights. This paintings offers a serious point of view at the progress and value of company codes with a selected specialise in operating stipulations and labour rights. It brings jointly paintings via lecturers, practitioners and activists.

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Corporate Responsibility and Labour Rights: Codes of Conduct in the Global Economy by Ruth Pearson,Gill Seyfang,Rhys Jenkins

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