New PDF release: Covered Wagon Women, Volume 6: Diaries and Letters from the

By Kenneth L. Holmes,Linda Peavy,Ursula Smith

ISBN-10: 0803272952

ISBN-13: 9780803272958

“We traveled this forenoon over the roughest and so much desolate piece of flooring that was once ever made,” wrote Amelia Knight in the course of her 1853 wagon educate trip to Oregon. a number of the events who traveled with Knight have been propelled through spiritual explanations. Hannah King, an Englishwoman and Mormon convert, was once headed for Salt Lake urban. Her cultured, introspective diary touches at the emotions of delicate humans certain jointly in a annoying venture. Celinda Hines and Rachel Taylor have been Methodists looking their new Canaan in Oregon.
Also Oregon-bound in 1853 have been Sarah (Sally) Perkins, whose minimalist checklist cuts deep, and Eliza Butler floor and Margaret Butler Smith, sisters who wrote revealing letters after arriving. Going to California in 1854 have been Elizabeth Myrick, who wrote a no-nonsense diary, and the teenage Mary Burrell, whose wit and enthusiasm prevail.

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Covered Wagon Women, Volume 6: Diaries and Letters from the Western Trails, 1853-1854 by Kenneth L. Holmes,Linda Peavy,Ursula Smith

by James

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