Download e-book for iPad: Devil's Pie: The Devil Makes His Pie of Lawyers' Tongues and by Rajan Datar

By Rajan Datar

ISBN-10: 1505643589

ISBN-13: 9781505643589

he's younger, heart type man who aspires to establish a world-class production company in India. His imaginative and prescient: produce power saving units for a rustic starved of electrical energy. Rajan is faced with a Faustian discount: tango with the corrupt bureaucrats, else, face extermination.
He makes an out of this world selection; he dares the institution. Predictably, the may of a livid executive moves again with vengeance. he's hit with a tsunami of over three hundred felony situations, deadly frame-ups, astronomical tax calls for and an impending bankruptcy.
As armies of artful clerks and harsh attorneys assault Rajan and his corporation, a financial institution collapses, hundreds of thousands lose their jobs and David's campaign is all yet misplaced to Goliath's soiled tips. He and his relatives are financially strangulated and socially cornered.
Yet, he holds his flooring and fights again. He unveils unconventional survival suggestions that aren't taught in any enterprise or legislation institution. The existential battles circulate from the legislation courts to the airy area of the brain.
The result's unheard of: an arbitration award of mroe than USD 60 Million as damages agaisnt the govt, legal indictments of best bureaucrats for fudging facts. each precept that Rajan fights for is vindicated.
But the tribulations lead the writer on an accidental trajectory of discovery, right into a body of reference contextually a long way faraway from the mundane conflicts that try and eat his life.
Devil's Pie is the real tale of a guy who could by no means turn away from defying the unequal or the impossible.

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Devil's Pie: The Devil Makes His Pie of Lawyers' Tongues and Clerks' Fingers (Old English Proverb) by Rajan Datar

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