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By Manfredo P. do Carmo

ISBN-10: 0486806995

ISBN-13: 9780486806990

One of the main favourite texts in its box, this quantity introduces the differential geometry of curves and surfaces in either neighborhood and worldwide features. The presentation departs from the conventional method with its extra huge use of easy linear algebra and its emphasis on simple geometrical proof instead of equipment or random info. Many examples and routines improve the transparent, well-written exposition, besides tricks and solutions to a couple of the problems.
The remedy starts off with a bankruptcy on curves, by means of explorations of normal surfaces, the geometry of the Gauss map, the intrinsic geometry of surfaces, and worldwide differential geometry. compatible for complex undergraduates and graduate scholars of arithmetic, this text's must haves comprise an undergraduate direction in linear algebra and a few familiarity with the calculus of numerous variables. For this moment version, the writer has corrected, revised, and up to date the total volume.

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Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces: Revised and Updated Second Edition (Dover Books on Mathematics) by Manfredo P. do Carmo

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