Differential Topology - download pdf or read online

By Amiya Mukherjee

ISBN-10: 331919044X

ISBN-13: 9783319190440

ISBN-10: 3319369385

ISBN-13: 9783319369389

This ebook provides a scientific and entire account of the speculation of differentiable manifolds and gives the required historical past for using primary differential topology instruments. The textual content contains, particularly, the sooner works of Stephen Smale, for which he was once presented the Fields Medal. Explicitly, the themes lined are Thom transversality, Morse concept, thought of deal with presentation, h-cobordism theorem and the generalised Poincaré conjecture. the cloth is the result of lectures and seminars on numerous features of differentiable manifolds and differential topology given through the years on the Indian Statistical Institute in Calcutta, and at different universities all through India.

The ebook will attract graduate scholars and researchers drawn to those themes. An basic wisdom of linear algebra, common topology, multivariate calculus, research and algebraic topology is recommended.

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Differential Topology by Amiya Mukherjee

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