Dorothea Lange: A Life Beyond Limits by Linda Gordon PDF

By Linda Gordon

ISBN-10: 0393057305

ISBN-13: 9780393057300

ISBN-10: 039333905X

ISBN-13: 9780393339055

ISBN-10: 1522682074

ISBN-13: 9781522682073

Winner of the 2010 Bancroft Prize and finalist for the 2009 Los Angeles Times booklet Prize in Biography: The definitive biography of a heroic chronicler of America's melancholy and one of many 20th century's maximum photographers.

We all understand Dorothea Lange's iconic photos—the Migrant mom maintaining her baby, the shoeless teenagers of the dirt Bowl—but now well known American historian Linda Gordon brings them to third-dimensional existence during this groundbreaking exploration of Lange's transformation right into a documentarist. utilizing Lange's existence to anchor a relocating social heritage of twentieth-century the United States, Gordon masterfully re-creates bohemian San Francisco, the melancholy, and the Japanese-American internment camps. observed via multiple hundred images—many of them formerly unseen and a few previously suppressed—Gordon has written a gleaming, fast-moving tale that testifies to her prestige as probably the most talented historians of our time. Finalist for the Los Angeles Times ebook Prize; a New York Times impressive booklet; New Yorker's A Year's studying; and San Francisco Chronicle top Book.

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Dorothea Lange: A Life Beyond Limits by Linda Gordon

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