Download e-book for iPad: Dual Models by Magnus J. Wenninger

By Magnus J. Wenninger

ISBN-10: 0511569378

ISBN-13: 9780511569371

ISBN-10: 0521543258

ISBN-13: 9780521543255

In twin versions, written within the comparable enthusiastic variety as its predecessors Polyhedron versions and round versions, Magnus J. Wenninger provides the total set of uniform duals of uniform polyhedral, hence rounding out an important physique of data with appreciate to polyhedral varieties. He starts off with the best convex solids yet then is going directly to convey how all of the tougher, non convex, uniform polyhedral duals could be derived from a geometrical theorem on duality that unifies and systematizes the complete set of such duals. lots of those complicated shapes are released the following for the 1st time. types made through the writer are proven in pictures, and those, in addition to line drawings, diagrams, and remark, invite readers to adopt the duty of constructing the types, utilizing index playing cards or tag paper and glue as development fabrics. the math is intentionally stored on the highschool or secondary point, and therefore the booklet presumes at so much a few wisdom of geometry and traditional trigonometry and using a systematic variety small digital calculator. The booklet might be important as enrichment fabric for the math school room and will serve both good as a resource e-book of rules for artists and architects of ornamental units or just as a pastime e-book in leisure mathematics.

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Dual Models by Magnus J. Wenninger

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