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By K. P. Hart,Jun-iti Nagata,J. E. Vaughan

ISBN-10: 0444503552

ISBN-13: 9780444503558

This booklet is designed for the reader who desires to get a basic view of the terminology of common Topology with minimum effort and time. The reader, whom we suppose to have just a rudimentary wisdom of set conception, algebra and research, could be capable of finding what they wish in the event that they will competently use the index. although, this booklet includes only a few proofs and the reader who desires to research extra systematically will locate sufficiently many references within the book.

Key features:

• extra phrases from normal Topology than the other ebook ever released
• brief and informative articles
• Authors contain nearly all of best researchers within the box
• wide indexing of terms

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Encyclopedia of General Topology by K. P. Hart,Jun-iti Nagata,J. E. Vaughan

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