Download e-book for iPad: Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection: Principles and Practice by Norio Fukami

By Norio Fukami

ISBN-10: 1493920405

ISBN-13: 9781493920402

ISBN-10: 149395475X

ISBN-13: 9781493954759

This quantity educates physicians at the easy wisdom of ESD, from indication of this system to assessing suitability and technical aspects of each one vital step. The textual content is based to lead readers to appreciate the rules, together with historical past, why ESD used to be designed and developed, symptoms, in addition to the right way to review lesions and practice genuine strategies. considerable images and diagrams illustrate the key issues and advertise “pattern recognition”. The textual content additionally introduces gastroenterologists to early gastrointestinal lesions, which have no longer been famous in medical perform for a few years. to help within the remedy technique of ESD, hugely functional details is provided, separated by means of assorted anatomical destinations, in addition to administration of problems. the quantity is additionally observed via a web video library.

Written by means of specialists in Asian international locations with great event with this method, in addition to specialists from the united states, South the US, and Europe, Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection: ideas and Practice provides an important reference for gastroenterologists and surgeons on ESD.

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Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection: Principles and Practice by Norio Fukami

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