Download PDF by Bethlehem Terrefe Gebreyohannes: Fire Walkers

By Bethlehem Terrefe Gebreyohannes

ISBN-10: 1927494796

ISBN-13: 9781927494790

It’s 1974, a coup has simply put in a repressive army regime in Ethiopia. A kinfolk of 5 undertakes to flee from Addis Ababa to Djibouti, move the brutal Danakil wilderness walking. Beth Gebreyohannes, a tender woman on the time, describes that grim, perilous trip. Betrayed via courses and robbed by way of bandits, misplaced within the wilderness with no nutrition or water, they're rescued eventually via a buying and selling caravan of nomadic Afar tribesmen, whole strangers who feed and advisor them directly to Djibouti. during this port urban, different strangers residence them until—more than a yr when they left—they obtain their visas for Canada.

This is a narrative right away gripping and relocating, concerning the persistence and braveness of a kin escaping to freedom opposed to all odds; a narrative every person may recognize as a portrait of our occasions, whilst such a lot of far and wide run to hunt secure havens.

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Fire Walkers by Bethlehem Terrefe Gebreyohannes

by Jason

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