Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits - download pdf or read online

By Leslie R. Crutchfield,Heather McLeod Grant,J. Gregory Dees

ISBN-10: 1118118804

ISBN-13: 9781118118801

An up-to-date variation of a groundbreaking ebook on top practices for nonprofits

What makes nice nonprofits nice? within the unique e-book, authors Crutchfield and McLeod provide hired a rigorous examine method derived from for-profit books like Built to Last. They studied 12 nonprofits that experience completed remarkable degrees of impact—from Habitat for Humanity to the background Foundation—and distilled six counterintuitive practices that those corporations use to alter the world.

  • Features a brand new advent that explores the hot context within which nonprofits function and the implications for those organizations
  • Includes a brand new bankruptcy on making use of the Six Practices to small, neighborhood nonprofits, together with a few examples of those organizations
  • Contains an replace at the 12 enterprises featured within the unique book—how they've got fared, what they have discovered, and the place they're now of their progress trajectory

This ebook has classes for all readers drawn to developing major social switch, together with nonprofit managers, donors, and volunteers.

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Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits (J-B US non-Franchise Leadership) by Leslie R. Crutchfield,Heather McLeod Grant,J. Gregory Dees

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