Download e-book for iPad: Forgotten Horrors Vol. 6: Up from the Depths by Michael H. Price,John Wooley

By Michael H. Price,John Wooley

ISBN-10: 1481167820

ISBN-13: 9781481167826

Michael H. Price's FORGOTTEN HORRORS sequence of movie encyclopedias lurches alongside in the course of the Nineteen Fifties with FORGOTTEN HORRORS VOL. 6: UP FROM THE DEPTHS -- a chronicle of the horror-movie revival of 1955-1957, with insightful contributions from Jan Alan Henderson and John Wooley. the increase of Roger Corman and Ray Harryhausen, the trendsetting teenage-monster cycle of Herman Cohen, the obsessions with gigantism of Bert I. Gordon, the emergence of Hammer movies, the unheralded genius of monster-maker Paul Blaisdell -- all are right here, in addition to stories and sketches of various movies of either prominence and obscurity. Price's precise examine of the connection among the horror-comics scare of the post-WWII years and the resurgence of horror in movie rounds out the package deal -- a 300-page wonder of pop-cultural insights, perceptive social feedback, and irresponsible reasonable thrills.

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Forgotten Horrors Vol. 6: Up from the Depths by Michael H. Price,John Wooley

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