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By Judith Koll Healey,Char Miller

ISBN-10: 0873518918

ISBN-13: 9780873518918

The Weyerhaeuser identify looms huge in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Washington, and Arkansas, hooked up to paper turbines, cupboard factories, and titanic tracts of land, either forested and minimize over. Frederick Weyerhaeuser, the fellow who begun the lumber empire, considerably formed the yankee economic system and panorama from Wisconsin westward within the 19th century.

A advanced and personal guy, Weyerhaeuser emigrated from Germany in 1852 on the smooth age of eighteen. in exactly many years, he will be a sought after lumberman, organizing partnerships between competing businesses, rationalizing the enterprise, after which making the biggest timberland buy within the background of the United States.

Author Judith Koll Healey narrates the lifetime of this amazing guy via newly on hand assets: his wide correspondence and magazine entries in addition to the letters and diaries of relatives, acquaintances, and enterprise affiliates from round the kingdom. She frames Weyerhaeuser's many advertisement possibilities and company judgements inside of either the family's inner dynamics and global occasions: battle and unrest, financial upswings and downturns, and western enlargement and japanese urbanization. all through, Healey deals a considerate point of view on his achievements in addition to the restrictions of his imaginative and prescient for the growth of the yank West.

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Frederick Weyerhaeuser and the American West by Judith Koll Healey,Char Miller

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