Geometry of Surfaces: A Practical Guide for Mechanical - download pdf or read online

By Stephen P. Radzevich

ISBN-10: 1118520319

ISBN-13: 9781118520314

Presents an in-depth research of geometry of half surfaces and gives the instruments for fixing complicated engineering problems

Geometry of Surfaces: a realistic advisor for Mechanical Engineers is a accomplished consultant to utilized geometry of surfaces with concentrate on useful functions in a variety of components of mechanical engineering. The ebook is split into 3 elements on half Surfaces, Geometry of touch of half Surfaces and Mapping of the Contacting half Surfaces.

Geometry of Surfaces: a realistic advisor for Mechanical Engineers combines differential geometry and gearing thought and provides new advancements within the straightforward concept of enveloping surfaces. Written through a number one specialist of the sector, this publication additionally offers the reader with the instruments for fixing complicated engineering difficulties within the box of mechanical engineering.

  • Presents an in-depth research of geometry of half surfaces
  • Provides instruments for fixing complicated engineering difficulties within the box of mechanical engineering
  • Combines differential geometry and gearing theory
  • Highlights new advancements within the undemanding thought of enveloping surfaces

Essential studying for researchers and practitioners in mechanical, automobile and aerospace engineering industries; CAD builders; and graduate scholars in Mechanical Engineering.

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Geometry of Surfaces: A Practical Guide for Mechanical Engineers by Stephen P. Radzevich

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