Valerie Lester's Giambattista Bodoni: His Life and His World PDF

By Valerie Lester

ISBN-10: 1567925286

ISBN-13: 9781567925289

this can be the 1st English-language biography of the relentlessly formidable and incomparably gifted printer Giambattista Bodoni (1740-1813). Born to a printing kinfolk within the small foothill city of Saluzzo, he left his cozy existence to shuttle to Rome in 1758 the place he served as an apprentice of Cardinal Spinelli on the Propaganda Fide press. There, below the sponsorship of Ruggieri, he discovered all facets of the printing craft. Even then, his actual expertise lay in sort layout and punchcutting, specifically of the unique international alphabets wanted by means of the papal workplace to unfold the religion. His existence replaced whilst at age 28 he was once invited through the Duke of Parma to desert Rome for that very French urban to set up and direct the ducal press. He remained in Parma, overseeing an enormous number of printing, a few of it pedestrian, yet a lot of it excellent. And it all utilising the typefaces he individually designed and engraved. This high-quality booklet is going past Bodoni's capability as a printer; it examines the existence and occasions during which he lived, the turbulent and consistently fragile political weather, the attention-grabbing forged of characters that enlivened the ducal courtroom, the notable record of tourists making the pilgrimage to Parma, and the original place Parma occupied, politically Italian yet a great deal French when it comes to flavor and tradition. Even the nutrients will get its due. The illustrations—of town, of the click, of the kinds and matrices—are pleasing, yet such a lot impressive are the pages from the books he designed, in particular pages from his typographic masterpiece, the Manuale Tipografico, which displayed the myriad typefaces in a number of sizes that Bodoni had designed and engraved over an extended and prolific occupation. exciting, scholarly, visually arresting, and designed and revealed to Bodoni's criteria, this identify belongs at the shelf of any self-respecting bibliophile. It not just makes for compelling studying, will probably be thought of the biography of checklist of a very good printer for years to come.

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Giambattista Bodoni: His Life and His World by Valerie Lester

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