Download e-book for kindle: Go Slow and Curvy: Understanding the Philosophy of the by dehyun sohn,Hee-Jung Jang,Timothy Jung

By dehyun sohn,Hee-Jung Jang,Timothy Jung

ISBN-10: 3319148532

ISBN-13: 9783319148533

ISBN-10: 3319372114

ISBN-13: 9783319372112

This e-book introduces readers to the strategies of sustainability and philosophy of slowness for the administration of public entities comparable to towns or areas. whereas many city groups face fiscal demanding situations that truly exhibit the constraints of development and ever-increasing velocity, this booklet explores an alternate, thought-provoking point of view in 5 chapters. the 1st bankruptcy explains the significance and essence of slowness, smallness and sustainability for public companies, whereas the second one addresses the idea that of “slow lifestyles” in an emotional society. bankruptcy 3 examines the difficulty of “slow administration” and provides arguments for the price of small companies because the real origin of the economic climate. bankruptcy 4 rounds out the insurance with a spotlight on agriculture. ultimately, in bankruptcy 5, the authors speak about the general merits of a “slow and curvy” administration kind with a view to offer happiness, monetary and social sustainability. 

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Go Slow and Curvy: Understanding the Philosophy of the Cittaslow slowcity Phenomenon by dehyun sohn,Hee-Jung Jang,Timothy Jung

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