Hercules - The first superhero: (An unauthorized biography) by Philip Matyszak PDF

By Philip Matyszak

ISBN-10: 0988106655

ISBN-13: 9780988106659

Hercules ­ the superman, the monster­slaying desktop, the parable – who was once the fellow underneath the lion­skin head­dress, and does he rather dwell as much as his legend? This targeted biography tells the tale of the 1st superhero from his disturbing start to his dramatic death.

Hercules used to be greater than simply his twelve well-known labours. He used to be a father, a lover, a pacesetter of armies and a great strategist. He used to be additionally a cattle­thief, a assassin and a rapist. utilizing historical resources from early Greece to the overdue Roman Empire, this designated biography fleshes out the nature of 1 of the main advanced and wrong heroes of Greek mythology.

Philip Matyszak has a doctorate in Roman historical past from St John's university, Oxford collage and is the writer of many books on old background together with the best-selling The Greek and Roman Myths: A advisor to the Classical Stories, Ancient Rome of 5 Denarii a Day and Legionary: The Roman Soldier's (Unofficial) Manual. He teaches e-learning classes in historic heritage for the Institute of constant schooling at Cambridge collage. for additional info stopover at: www.matyszakbooks.com

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Hercules - The first superhero: (An unauthorized biography) by Philip Matyszak

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