Download e-book for iPad: Historic Rhode Island Farms (Landmarks) by Robert A. Geake

By Robert A. Geake

ISBN-10: 1540222608

ISBN-13: 9781540222602

ISBN-10: 1626192626

ISBN-13: 9781626192621

courting again to the colonial period, the old barns and outbuildings of Rhode Island have withstood the try out of time. From the state's early barnyard taverns to the modern day horse and dairy farms that populate rural Rhode Island, every one of those constructions has a narrative to inform. within the mid-eighteenth century, the Narragansett planters bred horses on their farms in southern Rhode Island. Later, dairy farms sprang up around the quarter. Milking barns have been equipped at the biggest farms within the nation, together with the Theinhert Dairy Farm and Barn in Lincoln. sooner than the appearance of electrical trolleys, city barns sheltered horses for early tramcar transportation. every one barn is a liked reminder of the state's heritage. subscribe to writer Robert A. Geake as he explores the origins and evolution of Rhode Island's farms.

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Historic Rhode Island Farms (Landmarks) by Robert A. Geake

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