Download e-book for kindle: How to Raise More Money for Any Non-Profit: The Definitive by Joe Garecht

By Joe Garecht

ISBN-10: 0615923178

ISBN-13: 9780615923178

This publication is the definitive consultant to non-profit fundraising. It includes every little thing a non-profit association must increase the cash it must perform its mission.

This publication includes either simple and complex ideas, strategies, and step by step publications to each element of non-profit fundraising, including:

-How to discover New clients (Prospecting)
-How to show clients into Donors (Cultivation)
-How to Make extra winning Fundraising Asks (Asking)
-How to show One-Time Donor into Lifelong Supporters (Stewardship)
-Building Donor Fundraising Networks, Affinity teams, and Donor Clubs
-How to jot down an grand Case for aid in your Non-Profit
-Step-by-Step Plans for purchasing Your Board to provide and lift extra money to your Organization
-Supercharging Your Fundraising Events
-Supercharging Your unsolicited mail Fundraising
-Supercharging Your on-line Fundraising
-Supercharging Your per month Giving Program
-Supercharging Your deliberate Giving Program
-Writing a profitable Fundraising Plan to your Organization
-Implementing the quick progress Fundraising process ™ at Your Non-Profit

Based on 12 years of expertise in prime non-profit firms from "barely surviving" to thriving, the way to bring up extra money for Any Non-Profit comprises actionable steps you can begin utilizing - this day - to supercharge your fundraising.

Joe Garecht is the founding father of The Fundraising Authority and a professional on non-profit fundraising. he's the writer of The Non-Profit Fundraising formulation, The Silent public sale instruction manual, and elevating cash with no Going Crazy.

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How to Raise More Money for Any Non-Profit: The Definitive Fundraising Guide by Joe Garecht

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