New PDF release: Howard's Whirlybirds: Howard Hughes' Amazing Pioneering

By Donald J. Porter

ISBN-10: 1781550891

ISBN-13: 9781781550892

ISBN-10: 1781554196

ISBN-13: 9781781554197

Howard Hughes, the motion picture magnate, aviation pioneer and political hound puppy, has consistently interested the general public along with his mix of secrecy, rushing way of life and reclusiveness. businesses accountable for significant technological leaps usually develop into loved ones names. An exception is Howard Hughes's pioneering helicopter corporation, Hughes Helicopters, a reputation that has fallen into oblivion. but so much schoolboys on this planet have heard of the company's prize-winning product: the Apache helicopter. Hughes popularised the sunshine helicopter coach, industrially produced the 1st turbine-powered mild statement helicopter, led the best way in scorching cycle rotorcraft propulsion learn and, eventually, built the world's such a lot complicated assault helicopter that used to be bought and observed provider with the united kingdom. here is how many of the world's such a lot leading edge helicopters have been constructed. masking the interval from the second one global warfare till the mid-1980s, you are going to examine why Hughes army airplane contracts got here lower than shut scrutiny by means of the united states executive. the tale is wealthy with stories of technological leap forward and test-flying bravado made attainable by way of a small group of engineers and bold pilots. Written through a technical specialist and insider to the undefined, Howard's Whirlybirds: Howard Hughes' awesome Pioneering Helicopter Exploits is an engaging and replacement view at the extra special pioneer with unpublished photos and fabric that would fascinate the aviation and armed forces historian in addition to the informal reader and cinema buff.

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Howard's Whirlybirds: Howard Hughes' Amazing Pioneering Helicopter Exploits by Donald J. Porter

by Daniel

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