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By Sarah E. Nicholson,Vanessa D. Fisher

ISBN-10: 1438452187

ISBN-13: 9781438452180

ISBN-10: 1438452195

ISBN-13: 9781438452197

This quantity takes a different procedure to the query of what it's to be a gendered, sexual self in a postmodern global, providing insights expert by means of the indispensable paradigm of idea and perform. With the inquiry into intercourse, gender, and sexuality having develop into so huge and numerous inside of either academia and pop culture, the indispensable method may also help sift via and make experience of the cacophony of theories and agendas that search to stake their flooring during this collective dialog. This anthology engages the views of these so much celebratory
of the vital framework, and likewise contains critics of the integral

Informed via the paintings of thinkers resembling Sri Aurobindo, Gregory Bateson, Jean Gebser, Ervin Laszlo, and, such a lot at once, Ken Wilber, the critical method recognizes and works with a number of and contradictory studies, theories, and realities. facing numerous issues, together with feminism, the men's stream, sexual identification, queer background, and spirituality, the work's participants communicate from around the spectrum of private and political backgrounds, educational and practitioner orientations, and female and male views. the combo of voices goals to deliver ahead a extra advanced and built-in knowing of what it capacity to be lady, guy, human.

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Integral Voices on Sex, Gender, and Sexuality: Critical Inquiries (SUNY series in Integral Theory) by Sarah E. Nicholson,Vanessa D. Fisher

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