International Perspectives on Gender and Mathematics by Information Age Publishing,Olof Steinthorsdottir,Helen J. PDF

By Information Age Publishing,Olof Steinthorsdottir,Helen J. Forgasz,Joanne Rossi Becker,Kyeonghwa Lee

ISBN-10: 1617350419

ISBN-13: 9781617350412

ISBN-10: 1617350427

ISBN-13: 9781617350429

Why a e-book on gender matters in arithmetic within the twenty first century? a number of elements have inspired the venture of this undertaking via the editors. First, a world quantity concentrating on gender and arithmetic has no longer seemed in view that booklet of papers rising from the 1996 overseas Congress on Mathematical schooling (Keitel, 1998). definitely it used to be time for an up-to-date examine this severe quarter of arithmetic schooling. moment, we have now had full of life dialogue and dealing teams on gender concerns at meetings of the foreign workforce for the Psychology of arithmetic schooling [PME] for the prior 4 years, classes at which stimulating and ground-breaking learn has been mentioned by way of members from many alternative international locations. a few booklet appeared necessary to percentage this new wisdom rising from a greater variety of nations and from varied cultural views. 3rd, a few western nations reminiscent of Australia and the united states have skilled lately a spotlight at the “boy problem,” with an underlying assumption that problems with adult females and arithmetic were solved and are not any longer worthwhile of curiosity. hence it appeared well timed to appear extra heavily on the factor of gender and arithmetic the world over. while the assumption for this quantity first emerged, invites have been issued to these usually attending the operating and chat groups at PME. power authors have been charged to target gender matters in arithmetic and got large scope to hone in at the concerns that have been important to their very own examine efforts, or have been in receipt or wanting shut recognition of their personal nationwide or neighborhood contexts.

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International Perspectives on Gender and Mathematics Education (Cognition, Equity & Society: International Perspectives) by Information Age Publishing,Olof Steinthorsdottir,Helen J. Forgasz,Joanne Rossi Becker,Kyeonghwa Lee

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