Download e-book for iPad: Jay Cooke's Gamble: The Northern Pacific Railroad, the by M. John Lubetkin

By M. John Lubetkin

ISBN-10: 0806137401

ISBN-13: 9780806137407

ISBN-10: 0806144688

ISBN-13: 9780806144689

In 1869, Jay Cooke, the bright yet idiosyncratic American banker, determined to finance the Northern Pacific, a transcontinental railroad deliberate from Duluth, Minnesota, to Seattle. M. John Lubetkin tells how Cooke’s gamble reignited warfare with the Sioux, rescued George Armstrong Custer from obscurity, created Yellowstone Park, driven frontier payment 400 miles westward, and brought on the Panic of 1873.

Staking his recognition and wealth at the Northern Pacific, Cooke was once quickly whipsawed through the railroad’s mismanagement, questionable contracts, and building difficulties. Financier J. P. Morgan undermined him, and the Crédit Mobilier scandal ended congressional help. while railroad surveyors and military escorts neglected Sioux leader Sitting Bull’s caution to not input the Yellowstone Valley, Indian attacks—combined with alcoholic commanders—led to embarrassing setbacks at the box, within the nation’s press, and between investors.

Lubetkin’s suspenseful narrative describes occasions performed out from Wall highway to the Yellowstone and vividly portrays the warriors, engineers, businessmen, politicians, and local american citizens who attempted to construct or block the Northern Pacific.

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Jay Cooke's Gamble: The Northern Pacific Railroad, the Sioux, and the Panic of 1873 by M. John Lubetkin

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