Read e-book online Late-Talking Children: A Symptom or a Stage? (MIT Press) PDF

By Stephen M. Camarata

ISBN-10: 0262027798

ISBN-13: 9780262027793

ISBN-10: 0262528363

ISBN-13: 9780262528368

ISBN-10: 1469003171

ISBN-13: 9781469003177

When youngsters are overdue in hitting developmental milestones, mom and dad fear. And no hold up factors extra parental nervousness than overdue conversing, that is linked in lots of mom and dad' minds with such severe stipulations as autism and critical highbrow incapacity. in reality, as kid's speech specialist Stephen Camarata issues out during this enlightening ebook, young children are overdue in commencing to speak for a wide selection of purposes. For a few kids, past due conversing could be a symptom of alternative, extra critical, difficulties; for plenty of others, despite the fact that, it could actually easily be a degree without long term problems. Camarata describes in obtainable language what technology is aware concerning the features and explanations of overdue conversing. He explains that past due speaking is just one of a constellation of autism indicators. even if all autistic kids are past due talkers, now not all late-talking young children are autistic. Camarata attracts on greater than twenty-five years event diagnosing and treating past due talkers -- and on his own adventure of being a past due talker himself and having a late-talking son. He presents details that may support mom and dad navigate the maze of medical professionals, speech therapists, early formative years prone, and targeted schooling; and he describes the impression that overdue conversing could have on kid's post-talking studying styles.

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Late-Talking Children: A Symptom or a Stage? (MIT Press) by Stephen M. Camarata

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