Read e-book online LEED Green Associate Exam Study Guide PDF

By Edward Cornejo

ISBN-10: 0982514808

ISBN-13: 9780982514801

there is no doubt that eco-friendly development is the best way of the longer term. The LEED (Leadership in power and Environmental layout) application has turn into the traditional for sustainable construction in the course of the global. by way of getting ready your self to facilitate sustainablility within the development undefined, you're aligning your self with enormous quantities - if no longer hundreds of thousands - of destiny jobs. the fairway affiliate examination is step one to turning into a LEED AP, and the fitting chance for genuine property brokers, neighborhood managers, builders, and others concerned with eco-friendly structures. This learn advisor contains the entire details you want to organize you for the LEED eco-friendly affiliate examination. contains: *Introduction to the USGBC & GBCI *Overview of the LEED ranking structures *Project Scorecard *Seven credits classification summaries *Credit Interpretation Rulings *LEED on-line *Cost of eco-friendly construction *Referenced criteria *Quick Reference desk *Project Registration *4 100-question perform checks. PLUS: *150 Flashcards *260 word list phrases *87 universal Acronyms *Referenced criteria *Credit Synergies *Credit Reference Poster *Free on-line account with entry to some of these fabrics, plus audio, video, and lots more and plenty more!

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LEED Green Associate Exam Study Guide by Edward Cornejo

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