A. C. Thompson's Minkowski Geometry (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its PDF

By A. C. Thompson

ISBN-10: 052140472X

ISBN-13: 9780521404723

Minkowski geometry is one of those non-Euclidean geometry in a finite variety of dimensions within which distance isn't really 'uniform' in all instructions. This e-book offers the 1st complete remedy of Minkowski geometry because the Nineteen Forties. the writer starts by way of describing the basic metric houses and the topological houses of lifestyles of Minkowski house. this can be through a therapy of two-dimensional areas and characterisations of Euclidean house between normed areas. The relevant 3 chapters current the speculation of zone and quantity in normed areas, a desirable geometrical interaction one of the a number of roles of the ball in Euclidean house. Later chapters take care of trigonometry and differential geometry in Minkowski areas. The ebook ends with a quick examine J. J. Schaffer's principles at the intrinsic geometry of the unit sphere. Minkowski Geometry will entice scholars and researchers drawn to geometry, convexity concept and useful analysis.

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Minkowski Geometry (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications) by A. C. Thompson

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