Xuefeng Zhu,Weishen Yang's Mixed Conducting Ceramic Membranes: Fundamentals, Materials PDF

By Xuefeng Zhu,Weishen Yang

ISBN-10: 3662535327

ISBN-13: 9783662535325

This publication is meant to collect right into a unmarried publication all features of combined carrying out ceramic membranes. It provides a accomplished description of the basics of combined ionic-electronic undertaking (MIEC) membranes from the elemental theories and fabrics to fabrication and characterization applied sciences. It additionally covers the capability functions of MIEC membrane know-how in undefined. This booklet bargains a helpful source for all scientists and engineers excited about R&D on combined carrying out ceramic membrane expertise, in addition to different readers who're drawn to catalysis in membrane reactor, reliable kingdom electrochemistry, good oxide gas cells, and comparable themes.

Xuefeng Zhu, PhD, is a Professor at country Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, chinese language Academy of Sciences, China.

Weishen Yang, PhD, is the workforce chief for Membrane Catalysis and New Catalytic fabrics and a DICP Chair Professor at kingdom Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, chinese language Academy of Sciences, China.

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Mixed Conducting Ceramic Membranes: Fundamentals, Materials and Applications (Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technology) by Xuefeng Zhu,Weishen Yang

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