Motor Speech Disorders: A Cross-Language Perspective by Prof. Nick Miller,Dr. Anja Lowit PDF

By Prof. Nick Miller,Dr. Anja Lowit

ISBN-10: 1783092327

ISBN-13: 9781783092321

Motor speech problems are a typical accompaniment of an entire diversity of neurological stipulations, from stroke, mind harm and Parkinson’s illness via to many rarer stipulations. This e-book goals to help knowing of the character of motor speech issues from a cross-language standpoint, not like the principally English-centric nature of analysis and perform ideas to this point. The booklet seems not only at how those motor speech issues are assessed and taken care of in different international locations, but in addition examines how underlying speech impairments fluctuate in response to the language anyone speaks. The e-book experiences the underlying neurological, neurophysiological and neurophonetic features of motor speech issues in several language contexts, and discusses the consequences those have for scientific rehabilitation. This considerably provides to debates round the theoretical knowing and scientific administration of motor speech disorders.

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Motor Speech Disorders: A Cross-Language Perspective (Communication Disorders Across Languages) by Prof. Nick Miller,Dr. Anja Lowit

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